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10-02 :: February 2010
Quantum Interference Device) array antenna
application to the SBIR (Small Business Innovative
Research) Phase III level with a new contract value of
nearly $3M. In this phase, the Company will colla-
borate with the US Navy Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) to produce a
high dynamic range Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
antenna with superior performance, and significant
size, weight and power improvements over conven-
tional antennas. Transitioning technologies to Phase
III is the goal of every SBIR program and represents
successful R&D and prototyping in the earlier phases.
disposition at nanometer levels, it has also improved
the tape’s running stability. Together with IBM’s new The Company, formed in 1983, develops and com-
servo format pattern, new signal processing tech- mercializes superconductor electronics that provide
nology, and low-friction head technology, Fujifilm’s unparalleled economic and performance advantages
technology improved areal density dramatically. for government and commercial wireless markets, and a host of other applications. Hypres’ technology
is widely recognized as the leading solution to achie-
luidigm Corporation announced the release of its ve a single RF system that is interoperable across all
amplicon tagging protocol for the Illumina GA II required waveforms and spectrum ranges.
next-generation sequencer. The 48.48 Access Array
integrated fluidic circuit (IFC) allows Illumina GA
II users to automatically prepare sequencing-ready
libraries from 48 individual samples at a time, for as I
BN Team Leader and Senior Research Scientist Dr.
Edwin Chow and his team have developed the
little as $7 (U.S.) per sample. Fluidigm’s Access Array first photochromic contact lens in the world that
IFC, when used with an Illumina GA II sequencer, darkens rapidly on exposure to sunlight to shield
can capture up to 12 kb of sequence data per sam- the eyes against harmful UV rays and glare without
ple, or 576 kb per array. With upcoming applications compromising vision and comfort. IBN’s unique pho-
on the Access Array system, such as long range PCR, tochromic contact lens material is formed through
users will be able to target up to 480 kb of sequence polymerization with a bicontinuous microemulsion
data per sample, or 23MB per array. that contains a polymerizable surfactant, lens mono- mers and water. This microemulsion has both hydro-
phobic and hydrophilic domains that can be used to
ypres Inc., developer of the Digital-RF™ product synthesize materials with unique properties. IBN’s
line, achieved a significant milestone by suc- photochromic nanostructured material can be easily
cessfully transitioning its SQUID (Superconducting produced into any desired shape and form, therefore
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