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Healthy Living | 31
why can’t I sleep? additional
A number of things can cause you from sleeping or by
sleep problems. By the time medicines that keep you
an adult is 65 years old, the awake. Your doctor can
American Academy of Family Physicians
sleep-wake cycle may not work suggest ways to treat these
Mayo Clinic
as well as it used to. Sleep problems. People of all ages
problems can be caused by can be affected by sleep National Library of Medicine
illness, by pain that keeps disorders, which include:
PLMD Insomnia Snoring Teeth grinding Sleep apnea Narcolepsy Sleep clinics
Periodic Limb Short-term People who are About 15% of This common Narcolepsy is a Sleep specialists
Movement Disorder insomnia can be overweight or people clench disorder occurs chronic genetic use electronic
is a condition in caused by job drink alcohol close their teeth during when a person disorder that affects equipment to
which a person changes, divorce, to bedtime tend sleep, sometimes repeatedly stops a very small number measure brain
kicks one or both stress, grief or to snore more. grinding them breathing while of people. People activity, body
legs many times other worries, People who sleep loudly enough to asleep. Sufferers who have narcolepsy temperature,
during sleep. Often keeping you from on their backs wake others. This stop breathing fall asleep without breathing rates and
the person doesn’t relaxing during are also prone to often occurs when for ten to 30 warning throughout muscle movements
even realize he the night. Chronic snoring because the sleeper is seconds during the day. These during sleep. They
or she is kicking (or long-lasting) this position anxious, tense or sleep, then start “sleep attacks” may also monitor
until a bed partner insomnia can allows the tongue angry. Occasional breathing again can last from 30 eye movements,
talks about it. be caused by a to slide back into mild grinding is with a gasp. This seconds to more evaluate airway
PLMD can prevent variety of reasons, the air passage. not harmful, but can happen many than half an hour. blockages and
restful sleep and including shift Jaw positioners or frequent grinding times over the They can be measure the
cause sleepiness work, high noise tongue retainers can damage the course of a night, associated with loss amount of oxygen
during the daytime. levels, substance can help keep the teeth. Relaxation which disrupts of muscle control, carried in the
Some people who abuse, mood airway clear so you and stress sleeping patterns. especially when the blood.
have Restless Leg disorders or certain can breathe easier. management Untreated sleep person is excited
Syndrome (RLS) medical conditions. Excessive snoring techniques can apnea can cause or laughing.
also have PLMD. can be a sign of help resolve the other illnesses.
Placing hot or cold possible sleep problem. Severe One treatment
packs on your legs, apnea. cases may require for sleep apnea is
or taking a hot or the use of a dental losing weight if you
cold bath may ease guard. A dental are overweight.
the symptoms. guard is a plastic Other treatments
Your family doctor piece that fi ts over are available for
can also prescribe the teeth more severe cases.
certain medicines and keeps them If your doctor
to help PLMD. from grinding suspects you
together. have sleep apnea,
he or she may
recommend a sleep
study. A sleep
study allows your
doctor to monitor
your sleeping
patterns and can
help him or her
diagnose sleeping
problems (such as
sleep apnea).
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