1 Bumper Boxes 100% recycled paper and card. Assorted colours. Number of sheets per box varies, subject to weight. Box
Card 150gsm and over 02024164 A4 02024166 A3 02024168 A2
Paper up to 150gsm 02024159 A4 02024161 A3 02024163 A2
£16.99 £16.99 £16.99
£14.99 £14.99 £14.99
2 Bumper Crafts Paper Pack Bumper crafts paper pack packed with 02010615
3 Classroom Essential Paper Pack 500 sheets A2 newsprint (50gsm). 250 sheets A2 sugar paper (75gsm). 250 sheets A4 sugar paper (75gsm). Sugar
orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown and black. 100 sheets A4 white card (200gsm). 100 sheets A4 coloured card, colours red, orange, yellow, green and blue (200gsm). Pack
02024174 £47.99
4 Remnant Paper Pack Great value pack. 40lb (18kg) of assorted sizes, weights and colours. High quality construction paper. Approximately 3000 sheets per box. Box
02015359 £42.99 5 Handmade Paper Bumper Pack
in A6, A5 and A4 sizes ideal for collage work. Supplied in 1lb Bag. Pack
02005359 £8.95 Call us on 0808 281 9440 or visit KCS.co.uk 241 4 3