1 Chubbie Metallic Paint Markers Can be used on any porous surface, paper, card and fabric. Quick drying and totally washable. Will not dry out. Colours pink, green, blue, lilac, gold, silver, bronze and copper. 75ml. Age 3+yrs. Pack 8
03217054 2 Chubbie Paint Markers
Water soluble, spillproof. Will not stain skin or most fabrics. Will not dry out if cap
yellow, green, blue, purple, brown and
black. 75ml bottles. Age 3+. Pack 8 03515346
3 Washable Ready Mixed Paint Class Pack
colours that is specially formulated to provide
superior washability from skin and most children’s clothing. Wheat and gluten free.
03531900 £31.99 4 Giotto washable be-bé Paint
from skin and non porous surfaces with water and soap. Colours include, white, red, pink, yellow, green, blue, brown and black. Age 2+. 250ml. Pack 8