





orderForm.noItems BoughtonMonchelsea

Crime report PCSOMark Gardner was not present at themeeting butmembers heard there had been two crimes in the south of the parish and four in the north, included an arson a�ack on straw bales. Residents were reminded to beware doorstep callers and threatening behaviour should be reported to police. Planning Councillors heard that Maidstone Borough Councilmust find more than 7,000 new homes over and above the 17,600 in the adopted Local Plan. There would be a “call for sites” early this year, but this had not happened at the time of going to press. The possibility of a new development at Campfield Farmwas discussed. Allotments The clerk noted that an allotment plot holder had contacted the parish council to request permission to erect a polytunnel so that the holder could growmore tender fruits and veg such as tomatoes and peppers. Cllr Martin had taken advice fromthe national body who advised not to proceed with the request until the holder demonstrated regular plot use. The clerk suggested a communal polytunnel could be sited near the unusedmobile building. Road accidentsA log is now being kept of all road traffic collisions on or near Heath Road. CllrMunford had ameeting withMP HelenWhately to discuss the issue of vehicles being driven with no tax orMOTs. Hi-vis vests Councillors agreed to donate £250 towards providing hi-vis vests for pupils at BoughtonMonchelsea Primary School, to be used on walks and visits off site.

Chart Su�on

Police report PCSO Gardner was unable to a�end, but had advised that there were no crimes in themonth before the meeting. Speed checks were ongoing in the village. The community warden had provided a report on the National Property Register, severe weather, vulnerable people and volunteer support wardens.A parishioner reported that his car had beenmoved about 25malong the road overnight. Clerk’s powers It was agreed that the clerk’s powers to grant requests for dispensation be renewed for a period of four years. Speed limitMembers considered a request to extend the 30mph speed limit onAmber Lane to Brishing Road. The clerk was to add this to the Highways Meeting for discussion. Parking The parking issues onAmber Bank were discussed. The clerk was asked to contact Golding Homes to replace the posts and repair any damage to prevent parking on the verge. Salt bin The six quotes for the bin on GreensandWay were considered and it was agreed to buy it fromGlasdon UK for £225.80 inc Vat.

26 Maidstone Weald February 2019

Playground The annual inspection report had been received and stated that there was a low risk which did not require any action. The clerk was asked to provide the insurers with a copy of the report if required. Parish grantMembers considered replacing the play equipment. It was agreed that one piece of equipment could be replaced and anMBCmatch-funded grant would be applied for. CllrWaring would look into what could fit into the footprint and arrange a site visit. Members decided that adult fitness equipment was not required, due to expense and perceived lack of use. Defibrillator The expiry dates for the defibrillator parts were to be reviewed, and Tony Ke�le had agreed to fit themas and when required. CCTV It was noted that the installation of the CCTV systemhad been completed by Brook Security. Dog a�ack There had been two a�acks by the same dog, which was not on a lead. The incidents had been reported to MBC, and the dog warden was dealing with the report.


Postbox It was noted that RoyalMail had been contacted to refurbish the post box in the village centre. Village Hall Councillor Divall reported that safety surfaces surrounding some of the play area equipment had shrunk by approximately 50mm.Although the surfaces remained flat and were not a safety hazard at this point, the situation would continue to bemonitored. Crime Incidents of anti-social behaviour had increased. The police were dealing with the parents of known participants. Playground The latest play area inspection report indicated a number of low risk issues which had been discussed withMaidstone Borough Council contractors. Li�er Councillor Down confirmed that threemembers of the volunteer li�er pickers group had a�ended the lunch organised byMaidstone Borough Council. Gate CouncillorWebb reported he had been approached by a resident to see whether the gate between the Beacon Field and Pleasant Valley Lane could be altered to becomemore easily accessible formothers pushing buggies. It was agreed that the issue would be looked into.

East Farleigh

Police report No representative fromthe police was able to a�end, but one crime had been reported – the theft of tools froma house in Lower Road. Budget It was agreed to increase the precept to £58,773. This was an 18% increase on last year, which was due to increased villagemaintenance and li�er- picking costs.

Highways The traffic calmingmeasures on Lower Road had been given the go- ahead.A resident of Dean Street had agreed to have a speed indicator device pole outside his house andmembers agreed to take up the quote fromKCC for this. The pole would replace one previously vandalised and stolen froma different site in Dean Street. The clerk was pursuing an insurance claimfor this. SpeedwatchA new rota was being drawn up for January toApril. Dog reminder The parish council reminded dog owners to respect other footpath users by keeping their pets on a lead while out walking, particularly if the dog was likely to become aggressive around strangers.


Community warden It was noted that welfare visits had taken place and the warden was keen to be invited to any community events. Budget The budget requirements for 2019/20 were agreed and the precept was set at £15,000, equating to £29.30 per band D property. This would decrease the charge to each band D taxpayer by 86p. Play area Themonthly inspection report was received fromMBC. The hip twister plate was said to have seized. The clerk would see ifMBC could repair it, and if not, FreshAir Fitness would be contacted for a complete service of the gym equipment.


Highways Cllr Cresswell said he had hoped to hold ameeting with Kent Highways but they had sent a form through stating that there would be a charge of £500 for this. He asked the clerk to clarify thisma�er. He also spoke about the interactive sign that had been damaged in an accident. He understood this was subject to an ongoing insurance claimand would be replaced. He asked the clerk to liaise with Highways officer JennieWatson. CllrWhitmarsh reported potholes alongWesterhill Road. A229Maidstone Borough Councillor RichardWebb said he intended to liaise with Kent County Council over theA229 safety report. Li�er bins Cllr Cresswell saidMBC had now said they would be willing to empty the new li�er bins, but they did need to agree the location to ensure it complied with regulations. He asked the clerk to liaise withMBC to set up ameeting about the locations, and to liaise with Berry Gardens and Linton Park about the bins. It was reported that the li�er bin at the playing field was full. Cllr Burden said she was aware that this was going to be emptied by a resident. Li�er pick The chairman said 44 bags of li�er had been collected. He thanked

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Parish Councils

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