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34 | Healthy Living
from your doctor or a pharmacist) LONG FLIGHTS
before getting on the plane, or
to use a decongestant nasal spray If your fl ight will last six hours or
about 30 minutes before the plane more, it’s important to keep active
Dangerous Diving
starts its descent. Nasal sprays and and moving. Sitting during a long
If you scuba dive, you should wait
decongestants are not recommended fl ight can decrease the blood fl ow
between 12 and 48 hours before
for young children, as they may through your veins and makes it
boarding a plane. This is important to
cause side effects. Cough and cold more likely that a clot will form.
avoid decompression sickness, or “the
medicines are also not recommended This condition is called deep vein
bends.” This is a condition that can be
fatal. Symptoms of decompression for children, especially those under thrombosis (DVT). DVT is a blood
sickness include joint pain, chest pain,
two years of age. clot in a vein deep inside your body.
shortness of breath and coma. The
These clots usually occur in the
longer the dives, the longer you have to
Drinking lots of fl uids, yawning, leg veins. If the blood clot breaks
wait before traveling by plane. Ask your
and chewing gum during take away and travels through your
family doctor or diving authorities for
guidelines on fl ying after scuba and landing may help relieve bloodstream, it could block a blood
the symptoms of airplane ear. If vessel in your lungs. This blockage
you develop a fever or severe ear (called a pulmonary embolism) can
pain after fl ying, or if airplane ear be fatal. If you have a family history
symptoms don’t disappear within a of blood clots, a clotting disorder or
few hours, see your family doctor. a vein condition, ask your doctor if
First Aid
you need any special medications
Even if you’re in good health, take
before fl ying.
a fi rst-aid kit with you, especially if
you’re traveling overseas. Make sure
Even healthy people can get blood
to include pain relievers, anti-diarrhea
clots in their legs if they stay
medicine, bandages and sunscreen.
It may be diffi cult or expensive to buy inactive on long fl ights. Try to walk
these items in some countries.
around the plane once every hour. If
you must stay seated, make sure to
move and stretch your legs regularly.
Drinking lots of water and wearing
ADJUSTING compression stockings may also
help reduce your risk of blood clots
Travelling with Diabetes
Jet lag, or time zone change disorder, during long fl ights.
If you have diabetes and take insulin,
is another problem that frequently
you will probably need to carry a valid
affects air travelers. It occurs when
prescription and a letter from your
your body’s biological clock is not yet
doctor stating which medicines and
dosages you need so that you may matched with local time. If you travel
carry needles with you on the plane.
to a location in a different time zone,
Your doctor may also have to adjust
remember that your body adjusts
your insulin schedule, depending on
slowly. You may feel irritable, tired or
the time zone of your destination.
have diffi culty concentrating.
You can relieve the symptoms of
jet lag by getting plenty of sleep PLAN AHEAD
before traveling. Eating balanced
meals and avoiding caffeine or Finally, preparation is crucial to Insurance Policy
alcoholic beverages may also make sure that health concerns do
If you’re traveling to another country,
help. The best thing you can do not get in the way of your air travel it’s a good idea to check with your
health insurance carrier to see what
to help your body adjust to a new plans. Even a chronic illness doesn’t
coverage is provided for medical
time zone is to go along with your necessarily have to ground you.
emergencies under your plan when
destination’s meal and bedtime Well-prepared travelers can relax,
you are outside the United States. You
schedules as soon as you can, even enjoy their fl ights and have a safe
may need to buy a traveler’s medical
before you get on the plane. and pleasant trip. insurance policy.
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