






Fresh fun at Mundo Petapa

Mundo Petapa, the flagship amusement park of the IRTRA private enterprise workers' recreation institute in Guatemala, recently opened six new family attractions courtesy of Zamperla. Tifón (Typhoon) is a giant pendulum that reaches a height of 15 metres as

the 16-seat gondolas swing and spins at a speed of 20 rpm. So far this has been the most popular of the new attractions with Mundo Petapa guests. In the Balsa Pirata (Pirate Raft), passengers can shoot water cannons to the

adversaries of other ships. Revoloteo (WindStarZ) – pictured here – is a 24 person capacity ride where guests can "fly" like a professional pilot on board mini paragliders and manipulate their own height and speed. Faro Saltarín (Jumping Lighthouse) is a tower ride that provides passengers with an view from 8.4m as the circular gondola spins and freefalls around the central column. Also included is a traditional Carousel, full of colourful and magical

characters, as well as the Trencito (Little Train), which runs a tour through a mine full of surprises. Designed to provide recreation to private sector workers without leaving Guatemala City, Mundo Petapa boasts proud 40-year history, during which it

has received more than 27 million guests. The park spans an area of almost 10.8 hectares and has capacity for up to 12,000 daily guests. One of the characteristics of this and other IRTRA parks, such as Xetulul, Xocomil, Amatitlán and Agua Caliente, is a high standard of quality of care provided to visitors, which has been recognised on several occasions at international level.

mejor lugar para que este centro se convierta en el escenario ideal para aprender, descubrir un mundo de informática y ver el desarrollo del futuro”. Blanco añadió que la gente tiene la idea de que los parques son para niños. De hecho, este es un lugar que tiene el propósito de que la familia aprenda sobre tecnología de una manera divertida, con una connotación didáctica.

“Alguien llamó a esto como Edu-entretenimiento” aseguró el creador del

parque. “Ellos no se equivocaron. Lo más importante es que nuestros huéspedes se divertirán con el conocimiento. Hay que quitarles el miedo a las personas de aprender, de gozarse el mundo de la informática, de conocer los avances de los procesos y de permanecer con la familia y amigos”. El recorrido de una hora y 15 minutos, está diseñado desde el concepto

de storytelling que comienza dentro de una enorme computadora, en momentos en que se descubre el ataque de un peligroso virus informático, cuyo ataque pondría en peligro al mundo. Antes de ingresar el guía del parque dibuja en la mano de cada visitante un código que contiene “información personal” que deberá resguardarse hasta finalizar el viaje, y evitar que caiga en poder de un malvado hacker, que podrá aparecer en cualquier momento, con cualquier pretexto, para acceder a ella y causarle un gran daño mediante el uso de sus datos personales. Cyber Girl®, la matrix, una deidad y la materialización

en la red de la gran energía del ciber espacio, alerta sobre el ataque e invita a los presentes a unirse en la lucha contra el terrible virus. Ella es la conciencia que todo lo sabe, la grandiosa presencia virtual que con su gran sabiduría guía por el mundo binario. La Máquina de Teletransportación conduce al grupo al Túnel del Tiempo.

Allí los huéspedes pueden aprender cómo contaban los seres humanos en la Prehistoria, con huesos y ábacos, conocer al inventor del número cero, a quien desarrolló el código binario y muchos personajes más vinculados a la historia de la informática, como Leonardo Da Vinci. Todo esto ocurre mientras el hacker vestido de negro, intenta convencer al

visitante de compartir los códigos que lleva en la mano, utilizando muchos e insistentes trucos. Esta experiencia es una de las más interesantes por la reacción que causa en todas las personas, aún en los más expertos en las


knowledge our guests will enjoy. It is necessary to take away the fear of the people to learn, to enjoy the world of computer science, to know the progress of the processes and share that with family and friends.”

Fight the virus The TIC Park experience, which is loaded with storytelling, takes guests one hour and 15 minutes to complete, and begins inside a huge computer. It is discovered that the computer is under attack from a dangerous virus, whose aggression would endanger the world. Before entering, the park's guide draws in the hand of each visitor a code (as pictured below) that contains “personal information” that must be protected until the end of the trip, and prevent it from falling into the possession of an evil hacker, who may appear at any time, under any pretext, to access it and cause you great harm by using their personal data.

Cyber Girl, the matrix, a deity and the materialisation in the network of the great energy of cyber space and alert about

the attack, invites guests to join in the fight against the terrible virus. She is the all- knowing consciousness, the grandiose virtual presence that, with her great wisdom, guides the binary world A teleportation machine leads the

group to the Time Tunnel. Here, guests can learn about how, in prehistory, humans fulfilled basic accounting with bones and abacuses, meet the inventor of the number zero, meet the developer of the binary code and many more characters related to

the history of computer science, including Leonardo da Vinci. All this happens whilst the hacker, dressed in black, tries persistently to trick each visitor to share the codes they have in their hand. This experience is one of the most interesting because of the reaction it causes in people, even those most expert in new technologies, who become aware of the care they must have when sharing information through the various channels of the internet, whether that be related to personal, business or financial matters. This may be a fun environment, but it's also educational, offering guests real food for thought when it comes to their personal data. This is the part of the attraction typically most enjoyed by the hundreds of teachers and students from schools and universities who visit the park each week between Tuesday and Friday.


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