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life. Your ego desires will hold you back from the potential of your soul. Always question your motives. Are they self-interested or expansive? Every improvement you make also benefits the many others who are on your frequency, wherever they are. Higher frequencies have a clearer and faster path. Lower frequencies struggle to move through the mud and are far less effective. Find and follow your passion and listen for the vibration of your soul.

What are the inner images you hold of yourself? All the beliefs and judgments about yourself are held in your aura. Limiting beliefs can be based on your parents’ beliefs, gender limitations, religious and philosophical beliefs and

cultural beliefs about scarcity and lack. These are often out-dated as your parents’ images of you may no longer match the mature adult you are now. What are the images that all the people that you are close to hold of you? You can change these by telepathically sending them a higher image of yourself.

Your aura holds your personal record of everything that has ever happened to you and everything you have ever thought and felt. The more you can become aware of what is stored in your record the easier it will be to read other people’s frequencies and interact with them. Everything you think and feel about yourself is held in your aura and radiated outwards. Your energy affects everything in your field. Higher frequencies yield faster results and lower frequencies miss their targets.

You can lift your vibration by releasing all the negative images and replacing them with more positive visions. Practice sending out images of love and appreciation. And when you catch yourself feeling jealousy, annoyance or any other lower thoughts learn how to discipline your mind. Your emotions are usually more underdeveloped than your mind because our society places more value on the intellect. Try not to be rigid with yourself and judge yourself too harshly. Be flexible in your self-image.

Choose the highest vision you have for your life and describe the highest qualities you wish for yourself. What would you like to achieve most? Hold that image and absorb it into your aura. Carrying these higher images means they will be reflected back to you. You will also attract people on the same level of soul development to you with similar lessons.

Some of the key combination essences to help you to deal with the challenges and opportunities discussed above are Clear Light, Fertility and Holy Grail amongst others

Best Wishes, Jane

Please note: for the full article and future months please visit the FFE website by clicking here.

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