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By Nancy Gordon, Ph.D

Dr Nancy Gordon is a psychoneuroimmunologist and has worked for 22 years as a national wellness con- sultant, lecturer and coach helping people become the best they can be.

Within this book, she gives specific instructions on how to:

. Identify your emotional type and understand your core strengths.

. Understand the unique toll emotions can have on your physical and spiritual health

. Protect yourself from emotional vampires and stop taking on the stress and negativity of others.

. Create a new philosophy about healthcare. “SUPPORTING THE HEALER WITHIN”

“One of the most important concepts, both practioners and lay people alike need to truly understand and apply, is the idea that the body has the ability to heal. Think about this for a minute. Even when the most skilled sur- geon operates on a patient, when the surgery is done, it then becomes a game of “sit and wait”. THE DOCTOR DOES NOT HEAL THE BODY - BUT IS THE FACILITATOR OF THE HEALER WITHIN! Therefore, everything that is done should be in an effort to support the healer within! The body has its own natural healing devices which are constantly gravitating towards health and wholeness. Practioners should continually ask themselves, “Is what I am thinking, doing, saying, and believing support- ing the person’s own ability to heal or not?”. This same practice applies to all of us! WE MUST ALL BE AWARE OF WHAT WE ARE THINKING, FEELING, BELIEVING, AND SAYING ABOUT OURSELVES.”

We need understand thatany violent or persistent men- tal, emotional or physical excitement greatly disturbs and unbalances the flow of life force energy. Each type of disease has a specific cause, and it lies within the mind.

To find the balance and peace of mind for healing: . set your intention to clear the emotion . keep exhaling the negativity . use positive self-talk

. tune your intuition to find a solution. Spend a time to see your healing

and refuse to give up! Dr Gordon gives us great information: We must Use Our Heart to Create Health and Happiness

14 Review by Marie-Claire Wilson

“For thousands of years people have associated the feeling of love with the heart. Intuitively we all know that “falling in love” or “giving” to someone else makes us feel good. But did you know that when you use your heart to send or receive love you actually enhance the health of your body?

Well it’s true! Love is the strongest power in the universe and in order to create harmony within the body, and the world, we must create it with love from the heart. This means we must align our thoughts, feelings, and actions with love. An open heart filled with love, compassion, and gratitude creates healthy bio-chemicals which in turn keep the body balanced, healthy and whole.”

There are three kinds of illness: physical, mental and spiritual. Physical illness is due to different forms of toxic conditions, infectious diseases, and accidents. Mental sickness is caused by anger and other kinds of emotional discord. Each human being is composed of energy and an incarnate form, a form that serves as an instrument for the soul’s evolution. For all of us, through destiny, there are three challenges: the events we must live through, the suffering, the emotional effects on the physical body that goes with suffering, and the under- standing or knowledge that we must acquire to liberate ourselves.

This book encourages the working together of the phy- sician and the patient to find a balance of body mind and spirit. This is not a dream but a prophecy about the new approach to healthcare with a huge focus of mov- ing from treatment to prevention.

The message of Dr Gordon is that we should depend more on mind power which is unlimited. The rules for guarding against disease should be: self control, exer- cise, meditation, yoga, proper eating and a positive and constructive attitude. Dr Gordon said: “… First, we must understand that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON”.



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