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DR. DARREL GOOD Extension Economist University of Illinois


outlook grain

orn, soybean, and wheat prices have experi- enced an impressive rally over the past month. From the lows in late June to the high on Au-

gust 2, December 2010 corn futures rallied nearly $.75, November 2010 soybean futures rallied $1.40, and September wheat futures rallied $2.55. The increase in prices was triggered by the June 30

USDA reports showing smaller than expected June 1 domestic inventories of corn and soybeans and smaller than expected planted acreage of corn. June 1 wheat inventories were larger than expected, but prices increased based on prospects for smaller crops outside the U.S. Large year-over-year declines in wheat production are expected in Russia, Kaza- khstan, and Canada. Last year, those three countries exported 1.6 billion bushels of wheat, or 41 percent of the total non U.S. exports. Crop prospects in Russia and Kazakhstan have

continued to deteriorate and the crop in western Eu- rope came under some late stress. Foreign wheat pro- duction could be down as much as 4 percent this year. In addition to the ongoing concerns about world wheat production, there are some concerns about the yield potential for the U.S. corn and soybean crops. While crop condition ratings have remained high, the impact of the unusual combination of extremely wet and warm conditions in June and July in the Corn Belt are not clear. Total June and July rainfall in the Corn Belt was the second largest in the past 50 years; only 1993 had a larger total. The two-month average temperature in the Corn Belt was the fourth highest of the past 50 years. This combination of extreme

Bollworm Alert In Soybean


crease and we have observed and had reports on numbers as high as 75 bollworms per 25 sweeps. We have seen many fields at levels from 25-40/ 25 sweeps. As this situation has spread across the state we are


beginning to see less than adequate control with pyrethroids such as Karate, Mustang Max, Brigade, etc. This was first observed in Louisiana and Missis- sippi and now we are beginning to see where appli- cations are not cleaning up infestations of bollworms and in several cases failing to reduce numbers below threshold. In some cases application may be a factor but certainly when the number of failures increase dramatically other factors may be involved. Here are some recommendations for treating bollworms, par- ticularly in these high infestation level situations: • Application volume of 5 GPA by air and 10 GPA by

ground • Add a surfactant or crop oil – with the high heat

we are experiencing this may help get the material down in the canopy • In high infestations (2X threshold) tankmix

pyrethroid with 0.5 lb acephate to improve control Remember, when sampling for bollworm you have

to get in there and dig them out. Sweep deep in the canopy and make visual observations of the plant as you go. Many people are underestimating this popu- lation due to poor sampling technique.

DR. GUS LORENZ: Associate Department Head/En- tomology, University of Arkansas

4• MidAmerica Farmer Grower / August 6, 2010 LONOKE, ARK.

s we have mentioned in the last few updates we have been experiencing a high level of bollworm activity in soybean. Numbers continue to in-

Supply Concerns Drive Crop Prices

rainfall and temperatures had not been observed in the previous 50 years. Additional crop yield concerns are being generated by the very warm start to August and the prospects for additional stress on the crops in the Delta region. Supply concerns have come at a time of generally

strong demand for U.S. crops. With just under 5 weeks left in the 2009-10 marketing year, it appears that both corn and soybean exports could be slightly larger than the current USDA forecasts. Corn exports need to average 38 million bushels per week during August to reach the forecast of 1.95 billion bushels. The average for the six weeks ended July 29 was 40.1 million. For soybeans, weekly exports during August need to average 4.8 million bushels to reach the fore- cast of 1.46 billion bushels. The average for the six weeks ended on July 29 was 7 million.

While soybean exports could exceed the USDA pro-

jection, the 2009-10 marking year domestic soybean crush may fall a bit short of the projected 1.745 bil- lion bushels. The crush for July and August needs to total 250.9 million bushels to reach that projection, 2.3 million more than crushed in July and August of 2009. Monthly crush was less than in the previous year in April, May, and June. While the crush in July and August last year was very small, a year-over-year increase is not expected this year. The 2010-11 U.S. wheat marketing year began on

June 1. Wheat export inspections during the first 8.4 weeks of the year were reported at 148 million bushels, 31 million more than exported during the same period last year. Unshipped export sales as of

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Southeast Peanut Farmers Discover Tool For Killing Glyphosate Resistant Pigweed

much success in controlling noxious weeds in hay and pasture operations. The past few of year’s crop producers have also discovered the success of managing their weed problems with the GrassWorks Weed Wiper™. Rope- wick type applicators have been around for years and were often some device fashioned by the producer, the effectiveness against weed problems was very marginal at best. Farmers complained that if the rope wick appli- cation was wet enough to kill the weeds, it would drip in the middle and be dry on ends. Farmers all across the nation, have found the GrassWorks Weed Wiper™, manufactured in the United States is their answer for an economical, easy and efficient weed management system for killing weeds. This year, Southeast peanut farmers


discovered a huge success with the GrassWorks Weed Wiper™ for wiping and killing Round up Resistant Pig- weed. Fields infested with pigweed were wiped at 4- 10 MPH, with a very successful kill, increasing the pro- ducer’s profit margins from chemical savings and harvesting cleaner crops. GrassWorks Weed Wiper™ manu-

rassWorks Weed Wiper™, The Rotating Weed Wiper that Works, has been used for years with


mate weed control system eliminates any drift and drip concerns onto your crops. This roll on paint brush appli- cation provides the following: • Cost pennies per acre in chemical

use • Quick and easy to apply • Can be used even with windy con-

ditions • Eliminate the worry of drift prob-

lems • Kills only the weeds, not your crop,

control system will work and be totally different from any other contact appli- cator due to the rotating steel drum. As it is driven it turns in the opposite direction that the GrassWorks Weed Wiper is traveling, so that you get a good wiping action on the plants that you are trying to get rid of. This rotat- ing action does several things. First, it allows us to run the carpet

allowing NO DRIFT & NO DRIP The GrassWorks Weed Wiper™ weed

factures a model available for any row crop producer. Our tractor mount units now have a high lift available for wheat, sorghum/sudan, millet, soy beans, cotton, rice and peanut pro- ducers. This new feature allows extra height for your row crop needs. GrassWorks Weed Wiper™, the ulti-

used at a 20:1 ration. This mixture will have a chemical cost per acre that is very inexpensive, yet very effective, and therefore pays for the investment of the GrassWorks Weed Wiper™ in chemical savings alone. (any type of chemical can be used) Different units can be custom built

with sizes to fit any farming operation. Thank you again and please contact

material very saturated and therefore have a lot of chemical available to

us if you have any questions. GrassWorks Weed Wiper, LLC, 888-


MPH. With these speeds we are getting better than 8.5 acres per hour with our 10’ units or approximately 15 acres with our 20’ units. The chemical of your choice can be

are only putting the chemicals on the targeted weeds and not wasting chem- icals on grasses and clovers that we want to keep. Adjustable height ranges from zero inches to 5 feet. Normal operating speeds are 6-10

to the bottom or underside of the leaves and stems, allowing plant kill to be easier because of greater porosity. This is applying the chemicals to the weakest part of the weed. Third, with the adjustable height we

apply to the targeted weeds. Because it is rotating, it eliminates the drip. Second, it is applying the chemical

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