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legal news
immediate action needed to
defeat hb 1046
By the Texas Humane Legislative Network
Talking Points,
Under current law
HB 1046 will make the
Phone 512-463-0576 – Fax
(Chapter 821B of the Health
seizure and disposition of cruelly
512-463-7827; Jim Jack-
& Safety Code) when law
treated animals by law enforce-
son, jim.jackson@house.
enforcement officers seize
ment officers much more difficult, Phone 512-463-
cruelly treated animals the
and much more expensive.
0468 – Fax 512-463-1044;
trial to determine whether or
If this bill passes, many
David Leibowitz, david.
not the owner will be divested
small towns and lesser populated
of ownership is held within 10
counties (where starving horses, Phone 512-463-0269
days in a Municipal or Justice
and puppy mills most often are)
– Fax 512-320-0555; Tryon
of the Peace Court and the de-
will not have the resources to
Lewis, tryon.lewis@house.
cision of that court is final and
pursue these types of cases., Phone 512-463-
not appealable.
Allowing appeals will
0546 – Fax 512-463-8067;
You don’t need a truck to haul when
HB 1046 will change
cause additional expense to the
Jerry Madden, jerry.mad-
that and allow the owner to ap-
cities and counties to keep and,
peal the Municipal or Justice
care for the animals during the
Phone 512-463-0544 – Fax
you haul with a Brenderup!
Court’s decision and get an
appeal process which could
512-463-9974; Armando
entirely new trial. If this bill
last for months or even years.
“Mando”Martinez, mando.
passes, city and county at-
Also during this time, the seized,
torneys will have to try these
animals (which often total in the
Phone 512-463-0530 – Fax
cruelty cases twice, which
hundreds and are almost always
512-463-0849; and Beverly
will be very costly to the cities
malnourished and sick) will suffer
Woolley, beverly.woolley@
and counties and will make
longer and cannot be adopted or,, Phone
the seizure and disposition of
when necessary, be euthanized.
512-463-0696 – Fax 512-
cruelly treated animals by law 463-9333.
enforcement officers much
Contact Information
Please call, write,
more difficult and much more
The members of the
fax or email and ask that
expensive. Many small towns
Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
they oppose the bill. Also
and lesser populated counties
Committee and their contact infor-
ask your friends and neigh-
(where starving horses and
mation is as follows: Todd Hunter
bors to do the same. As
puppy mills most often are) will
(Chair), todd.hunter@house.state.
always, please be courteous
not have the resources to pursue Phone 512-463-0672 – Fax
and polite when communi-
these types of cases.
512-463-2101; Bryan Hughes
cating with your representa-

Action Needed, Phone 512-
For more infor-
This bill has been
463-0271 – Fax – 512-463-1515;
mation about the Texas
referred to the Judiciary & Civil
Roberto Alonzo, roberto.alonzo@
Humane Legislation Net-
Jurisprudence Committee in the, Phone 512-463-
work, visit them at www.
House of Representatives. We
0408 – Fax: 512-463-1817; Dan, e-mail: action_ 12 x 48 Shed Row
need to contact each member
Branch, dan.branch@house.state. or call
of that Committee and ask that, Phone 512-463-0367, Fax
they oppose HB 1046.
512-322-9935; Will Hartnett, will.
wild horse & burro bill introduced
On February 12,
bar the Secretary of Interior from protection of wild horses and
2009, Representative Rahall
euthanizing any wild free-roaming burros on private lands.”
8 x 10 Run-In Shed
10x28 with 8’ Tack
(WV-D) introduced a bill to
horses or burros unless an animal This bill has been
amend the Wild Free-Roam-
is terminally ill. Representative referred to the House Natu-
ing Horses and Burros Act to
Rahall introduced similar legisla- ral Resources Committee,
improve the management and
tion in the last Congress. Subcommittee on National
long-term health of wild free-
Additionally, this bill Parks, Forests, and Public
(254) 546-2276
roaming horses and burros
directs the Secretary of the Inte- Lands. Representative Ra-
(H.R. 1018).
rior to maintain an inventory of hall is Chairman of the Natu-
In the 108th Con-
10 x 20 Run-in Shed
Serving Texas & Surrounding States
wild horses and burros on public ral Resources Committee.
4 x 22 Aisle Barn
gress a provision of the 2005
lands, to protect and manage the
Omnibus Appropriations Bill
population in an ecologically bal-
lifted the prohibition on the
anced manner and to designate and
sale of wild horses and burros
maintain specific ranges on public
for commercial purposes and
lands as sanctuaries for their
authorizing the Secretary of
protection and preservation. This
Interior to sell excess animals
would include identifying new,
at public sales “without limita-
“rangelands for wild free-roaming
tion” on their use.
horses and burros, including use
This bill would re-
of land acquisitions, exchanges,
store the federal prohibition
conservation easements, and vol-
on the commercial sale and
untary grazing buyouts, and ne-
* Saddles not eligible for coupon discounts.
slaughter of wild free-roaming
gotiate with private landowners to
horses and burros. It would also
allow for the federally supervised
the american indian horse
registry celebratES 30 years in texas *
The American Indian O (Original breeding), AA (half
Horse Registry is pleased to Original), A (unknown but Indian
invite you to our annual Open Horse type), M (modern) and P
* Saddles not eligible for coupon discounts.
House to be held April 26 from (pony). The original American
2-5 pm. This year we are cel- Indian Horse may be double reg-
ebrating our 30
year in Texas. istered as a Spanish Mustang or a
The AIHR was founded in 1961 Colonial Spanish Horse or Spanish
in California to preserve and re- Barb. They are not bred to current
cord the pedigrees of the horses modern standards, but to preserve
of Native America. It moved to the type of horse brought to the
Arizone in 1968 and was incor- New World by the Spanish in the
porated and moved to Texas in 15
and 16
1979 where it is headquartered For more information
at Rancho San Francisco near about the AIHR or the Open
Lockhart (south of Austin). House, contact Nanci at 512-398- * Saddles not eligible for coupon discounts.
The registry has over 6642 (evenings), email aihrnan-
4800 horses registered and or write AIHR,
continues to honor the horses 9028 State Park Road, Lockhart
of Native America, they hy- TX 78644. This is a fun gathering,
brids and descendants with five so we hope you will join us for the
classifications of registration, afternoon.
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