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How to prepare for Shabbat DURING THE WEEK

1) Plan your Shabbat menu early in the week. If you've invited guests, be sure to find out if they have dietary or health restrictions. 2) Make a list of what to buy and what to do, and cross things off as you do them. DAY BEFORE

1) Switches. Many people put a piece of tape over the light switches in high-traffic areas such as bathrooms, so that there is no involuntary switching on and off. Jewish bookstores sell special decorative light-switch covers.

2) Fridge. The most important light is the one in the refrigerator and/or freezer. Unscrew the light bulb inside, so that it is off during the whole Shabbat. Otherwise, opening the fridge will be just like turning on a light, which is not permitted on Shabbat.


1) Ready. Some make a point of covering the table with a special Shabbat tablecloth early in the day, as well as placing the candles and challah on the table in advance.

2) Flowers. It's a nice custom to buy flowers to adorn the Shabbat table. They should be placed in water before Shabbat begins. Plants should also be watered, if necessary, ahead of time.


1) Make-up. All makeup should be applied before Shabbat begins, as it falls under the prohibition of "dyeing." There is special Shabbat makeup available that can be applied on Shabbat (very loose powders, eye shadows, and others).

2) Last-minute phone calls. Call someone and wish them "Shabbat Shalom!”

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