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Ni Sleep Solutions Sleep Solutions sponsored

What basic items do I need for baby to sleep?

A good moses basket/cot; natural mattress; fitted sheet; Cocooi Swaddle; Go Go Bag; All in One and gown are the very important essentials.

What temperature should the room be? Around 18ºC is a good guideline.

I have heard that baby sleep bags are better than blankets, is that right?

Merino Kids recognises that babies have

"When I first launched the company it was born out of necessity for my first daughter, Lillybelle," says Amie Nilsson, founder of Merino Kids. "She kept kicking off her blankets at night and waking up freezing cold. She also had eczema so I was very concerned about the quality of the bedding fabrics we used. I decided there had to be a solution, but when I researched the availability of baby sleep products, I was shocked at the number of synthetic man made fabrics being used in baby sleeping products on the market."

I hear a lot of conflicting information about swaddling - how do I swaddle safely and why is it beneficial? "Newborns can't regulate their own body temperature as well as parents, so the natural micro-fibre merino wool is ideal," says Amie. "Even in the heat of the summer nights tiny babies will stay cool. So baby can safely sleep in our swaddles allowing baby to be able to move comfortably which is very important not only for baby's brain development but it replicates mummy’s tummy so baby feels safe and secure. Plus they are perfect for premature or very tiny babies as well."

Did you know? Newborns can't regulate their own body

different needs at different ages. A newborn just wants to feel safe and secure needing vast amounts of sleep.For this reason, they may prefer to be swaddled. "The light pressure of a swaddle around a tiny baby's body emulates the familiar and secure feeling of the womb, and this helps the baby to sleep better," says Amie. The company is firmly behind the notion of swaddling, which may reduce the risk of SIDS - or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. "Studies show that swaddled babies sleep better in the recommended position on their backs," says Amie.

temperature as well as adults can, so the natural micro-fibre merino wool is ideal

I have heard that natural fibres are better for baby, why is this? The problem with man-made fibres is that they don't breathe well enough, so babies can overheat inside the garments. Then when they cool down they get cold. This makes for restless sleepers and an unregulated sleep environment. "There is no doubt in my mind that babies should always sleep in natural breathable fibres," says Amie. Most importantly for parents, babies and infants sleeping in or on merino wool settle more quickly, and sleep longer. And that gives peace of mind which means parents can sleep as well.

Did you know?

Two key considerations when making the decision to swaddle are ensuring your baby is not going to over heat and secondly that there is no restriction of movement

Can you recommend anything else to help comfort and settle baby to sleep?

When your baby is newborn, using gentle movement and having light music in the background is a good natural and highly effective way to settle your baby.


16 • Ni Sales Training Guide • JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 •

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