This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.
Effectively using technology
Effectively using
technology in
Steven Ross and Deborah Lowther explore the value of
technology in the classroom
OUR FIRST SIGHT of the aging inner-city from CAI programs generally perform about
school left us totally unprepared for what the same as those receiving conventional,
we observed inside. Students in every teacher-led instruction. But should such
classroom were highly active and engaged; results be interpreted to mean that CAI
their voices intermixed with pervasive programs are ineffective? As Richard Clark
clicking of computer keyboards. The fi fth argued several decades ago in criticizing
and sixth grades were working on a “unit “media comparison” research, what impacts
project” on Mexico, designed to integrate on learning is not how a lesson is delivered
learning of history, geography, foreign but what teaching strategies are employed.
language, and mathematics. Students Although effective CAI programs use many studies have shown that the addition of this
gathered around laptops individually evidence-based strategies (e.g., adaptive modest enhancement (about 5 minutes in
or in pairs performing a wide variety of content, frequent testing, immediate a 90-minute lesson) signifi cantly increased
technology applications, downloading feedback, etc), so do effective teachers. reading outcomes.
Internet resources, creating spreadsheets CAI, therefore, seems most valuable as a Multimedia presentations extend
and graphs, and designing PowerPoint supplement rather than replacement for teachers’ abilities to make material more
presentations on project fi ndings. When the teachers. Some valuable uses include: meaningful and engaging. But the more
bell rang, most had to be coaxed to stop

Giving students practice on key skills and options teachers have for improving
working and go to their next class. content while freeing the teacher to tutor lesson quality, the greater the demands for
Is educational technology effective? This others or perform other tasks; organizing or “orchestrating” many diverse
real-life scenario from our evaluation study of

Providing remedial instruction for low- teaching activities. Interactive whiteboards
a technology integration program (Freedom achieving students; have shown great promise in recent British
to Learn) in Michigan clearly suggests

Providing enrichment activities for studies as a compelling solution to the
that it can be. In this case, “effectiveness” students who successfully complete a orchestration problem. Among the valuable
meant improved higher-order learning and regular lesson; features for improving lesson quality are:
preparation for careers. But if effectiveness

Providing supplemental teaching when

Active and interactive learning: Teachers
also means raising assessment scores, the teachers can’t be available (after school or or students can write on the whiteboard,
verdict would have been less favorable. in the summer); and and manipulate content;
As we will show by examining three major

Teaching material in a different way to

Lesson organization is improved: All
application areas, educational technology is yield deeper levels of learning or to assist lesson elements can be loaded into
not a single approach but a broad range of those who failed to learn it the fi rst time. the computer and projected on the
modalities, tools, and strategies for learning. whiteboard (e.g., PowerPoints, video,
Its effectiveness, therefore, depends on how Technology as a teaching aid images, letters, words, etc);
well it helps teachers and students achieve Another valuable role of technology is

Valuable lesson orchestration is embedded
desired goals. increasing teachers’ effectiveness in directly in the teaching: Lesson outlines can
organizing and presenting class lessons. indicate at what point alternative teaching
Technology as a tutor For example, the Reading Reels program, activities (e.g., lecture vs. cooperative
The most enduring and well-researched developed by the Success for All Foundation, learning) should be used; and
application of educational technology is embeds strategically selected video

Teaching is highly adaptable to needs
computer-assisted instruction (CAI). Modern segments in daily fi rst grade reading and interests: Teachers can modify the
CAI programs provide tutorial lessons and lessons. Humorous animations, puppet, lessons, if desired, using vast digital
“drill-and-practice” exercises adapted and live-action sketches illustrate key letter resources available.
to students’ needs, with graphics and sounds, sound blending, and vocabulary. Numerous other technology-based teaching
animation that make them more engaging Children chant along with the characters, or aids are making their way into today’s
and interesting than textbooks. However, compete with them to supply the right sound classrooms. For example, by using Interactive
research shows that students learning or word. Not surprisingly, several rigorous Classroom Communication Systems (known
20 Better: Evidence-based Education fall 2009
Better(US) Fall09.indb 20 14/10/09 13:05:31
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