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Absolute beginners
fun for
FIVE novice sailors from They learned how to steer the Lochaber
Bideford unit can now scud
boat before advancing to tacking
along in dinghies after a
and the art of turning the boat SERIOUS fun was exactly what
holiday training course.
through 180°. a group of Junior Sea Cadets
Run by unit staff – Bideford
Then came the capsize drill, from TS St Christopher got when
is an RYA training centre – the
one of the highlights of the course they visited a couple of historically
internationally-recognised Youth
for the cadets despite getting wet. significant sites in north Argyll as
Sailing Scheme course started
As the week progressed more part of their training syllabus.
with the basics of what to wear
basic skills were introduced and on
First on the itinerary was a visit
and what not to wear, as a dip
the most part taken in, sometimes
to the Lord Nelson memorial in
in the water is still a shock to the
through games; because they are
Taynuilt – the first such memorial
system in April.
concentrating on playing the game
to be erected in Britain after
Instructor PO Matthew Tucker,
and not thinking about the sailing
Nelson’s death at Trafalgar.
overseen by senior Civilian
they learn so much quicker.
It was built by the foundrymen
Instructor Eric Evans, then took
All five passed the course.
of the Bonawe ironworks because
the group off to see their Laser
PO Tucker said: “For me on a
they had made many of the
Pico boats.
personal level, I get a great buzz
cannonballs which were fired
After looking at the various
out of teaching sailing, especially
during the battle some 1,400
parts of the dinghies, the cadets
to complete beginners.
miles south.
rigged them for the first time. “We hear so much today
One section of the Lochaber
Leaving the theory and dry runs regarding the anti-social behaviour
juniors’ syllabus aims to show
ashore, the five – Ryan Southern, of so many youngsters that I myself
the cadets what went on during
Rory Donal, Leanne McKenzie, am proud to represent such an
the last World War, so the group
● POC Natalie Diaper with her
Cornwell Medal Oliver Kinkaid and Keiron O’Brien enthusiastic and well-mannered
carried out a friendly invasion of
– headed for the water. group of young people.”
the Oban War and Peace museum, ● Bideford cadets learn to sail their Laser Pico dinghies
ably guided by museum staff who
Tony is top man in Slough
Sure shots
were all ex-Servicemen.
Oban was a busy place during
THREE members of
the war, and as well as the military
Medal for
Loughborough unit gained full-
artefacts which were on display,
the cadets were also fascinated to
THE CO of Slough unit has a job which involves shift-work, Tony trained the Berkshire Sea
bore shooting qualifications during
see cargo which had been salvaged
been chosen as one of the town’s and coping with major surgery for Cadet Field Gun display team
a course at HMS Excellent.
from the SS Breda, which sank
Citizens of the Year. cancer on three separate occasions for the 2002 Queen’s Golden
Others gained qualifications
after being attacked by German
CPO(SCC) Tony Atkins joined since being diagnosed with bowel Jubilee Festival of Youth at
in skills including navigation,
bombers at Christmas 1940.
as a Civilian Instructor in 1985 cancer in 1997. Bisham Abbey – and he also
chartwork, first aid and cook-
Among the items on display were
JACK has long been a recognised officiated at the Field Gun run
stewarding on a district training
and rose through the ranks to the After each operation Tony has
a sandal and a jar of makeup.
expression for ratings in the Navy, for the last Royal Tournament,
top job. returned to his voluntary duties,
and two Jacks – Cornwell and
That is in addition to being a from the weekly meeting nights
when the Sea Cadets paraded
Mantle – achieved prominence
family man with three sons and and weekend events to week-long
their guns alongside those of the
for the deeds which won them the
now grandchildren, holding down courses.
Royal Navy. Masters visit Cossack
ultimate honour of a VC. Although he has passed the
It seemed appropriate, then, age of retirement from the Corps,
CADETS from Southwark unit Blott, along with Clerk Martin
that an award in the name of Tony has been granted, and is in,
keep good company. Bonham, were also on board to
Jack Cornwell VC, who died of the fifth year of an extension to his
Not only did the youngsters from present special mementos for
wounds sustained at Jutland in appointment.
TS Cossack welcome members safekeeping.
1916, should be presented to a The Citizen of the Year award,
of the Worshipful Company of Everyone listened intently as
cadet from Yeovil unit TS Mantle which Tony shared with Slough’s
Scientific Instrument Makers Mr Blott told the story of Kenneth
VC, named after Jack Mantle VC, ‘Mr Clean-up’ Les Collins, is
(WCSIM) to their headquarters, Rail, a sailor in the fifth Cossack
who – though fatally wounded sponsored by the town’s Rotary
but they also hosted the Master of – the destroyer which rescued the
– continued to fire at German Club.
the Worshipful Company of Fire prisoners on board the Altmark in
bombers attacking his anti-aircraft
Fighters. 1940, was involved in the sinking
The WCSIM provides generous of the Bismarck and which was
ship, HMS Foylebank, in Portland
financial support for TS Cossack, crippled by a torpedo in 1941.
in 1940. Across the ages
while the cadets visit the Livery On conclusion, cap tallies,
This year’s recipient of the
Cornwell Award for the most
ACTIVITIES from across the
Hall on special occasions, miniature medals and a hand-
outstanding cadet over the year’s
age groups were demonstrated
providing a carpet guard, piping written account from Kenneth
POC advancement courses, was
during the 1st Southbourne Sea
party, bugler and other musical were handed over to the destroyer’s
POC Natalie Diaper.
Scouts’ biannual RN inspection.
arrangements. namesake unit for display and
POC Diaper’s name has been
Lt Cdr David Griffiths saw
The Master, Brian Lowings, safekeeping.
added to the silver bars in the
representatives from Beavers,
and his colleagues were present Another guest on the day
medal’s presentation case, joining a
Cubs, Sea Scouts and Explorers
for colours, and later saw practical was HMS Cossack Association
● Sea Cadet divers undertake open water training on a British Sub
demonstrations of first aid and archivist Keith Batchelor, a former
list which stretches back to 1917. Aqua Club Ocean Diver national course at TS Liverpool in the city’s
give a flavour of what they have
seamanship, together with a Lt Cdr (SCC) and previous CO of
The case will be held on display Albert Dock. Any cadet or instructor interested in scuba diving
been learning.
15-minute band display. Edmonton unit.
at Yeovil until next year, while should contact the National Administrator, CPO (SCC) E Davies at
Lt Cdr Griffiths gave the group
Master of the Worshipful THE VIP guests went on to
Natalie receives a duplicate of the or, for those in London, PO (SCC)
a good report and presented them
Company of Fire Fighters, James present various awards to cadets.
medal and a certificate. R Waterfi eld at
with their certificate.
Trek from Teal to Stanley
ALMOST 20 Sea and Marine The group, which survived
cadets from the Falkland Islands on 24-hour ration packs, was
unit TS Endurance completed a supported by a safety van close to
33-mile walk from teal Inlet to roads and by two officers on quad
Stanley over a weekend. bikes on the rougher terrain.
The 18 cadets, aged between This is the fourth year the unit
The Captain of Naval Recruiting is currently seeking
ten and 17, walked for a total of 14 has undertaken the walk, raising
RN and RM WOs, Senior Rates and SNCOs to work
hours over the two days, spending funds for the unit and the local
as Careers Advisers in Armed Forces Careers Offices the night in a shearing shed (which, mammography unit.
around the UK.
according to the local paper the CO CPO (SCC) Ken Newton
Penguin News, the younger cadets said he was very proud of what the
found to be “rather smelly”). cadets had achieved.
Enlist on full-time Reserve Service Limited
Commitment employment in a specific location.
Initial three year contract with possible two
year extension.
FTRS rates of pay apply (reviewed annually
and pensionable).
CA3 from £27,101 rising to CA1 up to £39,840 with
effect from 1 April 09.
● The new pontoons at Derwenthaugh boating station
Lottery plan fl oated
A NEW boat station on the River put the scheme forward for
Tyne has served as an example of the regional People’s Millions
the benefits of Lottery funding. programme of the Big Lottery
Derwenthaugh station, known as Fund, and a public vote made
PSTN: 01929 403172 MIL: 94374 3172
TS Northumbria, is on a tideway, them a clear winner.
which restricted the use of boats at The boat station, at Blaydon
certain states of the tide. on Tyne, serves units from across
The solution – floating the North East, and was chosen
pontoons – was realised when as the backdrop for the launch
Northumbria’s Commanding of the 2009 programme on Tyne
Officer Lt Cdr Alfie Simpson Tees TV.
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