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Commercial Fishing News

dendum III for public comment. The Draft Addendum proposes to establish output controls for GOM state waters for both recreational and commercial fi sheries in order to stay within the annually established state waters harvest limit. The proposed controls include trip limits, size limits, area closures, seasons, and possession limits to be determined by the Board on an annual basis. The Draft Addendum also proposes a trigger to reduce commercial trip limits when a percentage of the state water harvest (established by NOAA Fisheries) has been reached.

Addendum II will be available on the

Commission website ( under Breaking News or by contacting the Commission at 703.842.0740. Draft Addendum III will be released over the next month. It is anticipated that New England states will be conducting public hearings on Draft Addendum III; information on the Draft Addendum’s avail- ability and the details of state hearings will be released once they are fi nalized. For more information, please contact

Toni Kerns, ISFMP Acting Director, at 703.842.0740 or Motions

Move to adopt in Addendum II, Section 3.1, Commercial Measures, Trip limits, Option 2; Section 3.2, Recreational Measures, Seasonal measures, Option 2. Addendum II measures will sunset on June 1, 2013. Motion made by Dr. Pierce and seconded by Mr. Grout. Motion carries (7 in favor, 1 abstention). Move to approve Addendum II, as

modifi ed today, effective immediately. Motion made by Mr. Adler and seconded by Mr. Augustine. Motion carries (8 in favor, 1 abstention).

Main Motion - Move to delete lan- guage in Option 2, commercial account- ability measures, and in its place, reduce the Gulf of Maine winter fl ounder trip limit, set during the specifi cation process, to 250 pounds when either 75%, 85%, or 90% of that state water ACL sub-com- ponent is projected to be landed; and, if the subcomponent is exceeded, begin the following fi shing year, May 1, with a 250-pound trip limit. Motion made by Dr. Pierce and seconded by Mr. Simpson. Motion substituted.

Motion to Substitute - Move to sub-

stitute, under Section 3.2, Option 2, under commercial accountability measures, establish a trigger for state water com- mercial trip limits that would reduce the trip limit when the trigger is reached. A


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trigger is met when X% (options below) of the estimated non-federally permitted state water harvest is reached.

A) 75%

B) 85% C) 90%

Motion made by Mr. Grout and second-

ed by Mr. Augustine. Motion passes (7 in favor, 1 abstention).

Main Motion as Substituted - Move to include under Section 3.2, Option 2, under commercial accountability mea- sures, establish a trigger for state water commercial trip limits, that would reduce the trip limit when the trigger is reached. A trigger is met when X% (options below) of the estimated non-federally permitted state water harvest is reached.

A) 75% B) 85% C) 90%

Motion passes (8 in favor, 1 abstention). Move to amend Section 3.1, Option 2, to include under commercial measures that could be adjusted through Board action, add item 5, trigger trip limits. Motion made by Mr. Grout and seconded by Mr. Stockwell. Motion passes (8 in favor). Move to approve Draft Addendum

III for public comment. Motion made by Mr. Stockwell and seconded by Mr. Augus- tine. Motion passes (9 in favor). Move to nominate Mark Gibson for

vice chair. Motion made by Mr. Simpson and seconded by Mr. Augustine. Motion carries.

SHAD & RIVER HERRING MANAGE- MENT BOARD (October 22) Meeting Summary

The Shad and River Herring Manage-

ment Board met to review the potential Endangered Species Act (ESA) listing of river herring, discuss recent Council action pertaining to shad and river herring bycatch, approve four sustainable fi shing plans, and review state compliance.

In August 2011, the National Resources Defense Council petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to list river herring (alewife and blueback herring) under the ESA. In November 2011, NMFS published a positive 90-day fi nding which stated that the petitioned action may be warranted. NMFS conducted three status review workshops in June/July 2012 to as- sist in gathering the necessary information to develop the status review. NMFS will publish the proposed rule, if any, as soon as possible. In August 2012, NMFS sent a letter to the New England Fishery Management Council, requesting that the Council consid- er adding shad and river herring as a stock in the fi shery to the Atlantic Herring FMP. This request was in response to the Court’s ruling vacating Amendment 4 to the Atlantic Herring FMP, effective August 2013. Four states submitted sustainable fi sh-

November 2012 MAINE COASTAL NEWS Page 21.


Atlantic herring vessels fi shing in federal waters. The Board approved all of the sus- tainable fi shing plans that were submitted. The Plan Review Team presented the

2012 FMP Review, fi nding all states to be in compliance with the FMP. For more information, please contact Kate Taylor, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, at 703.842.0740 or Motions

Move the Board approve the sustain-

able fi shery plan for the states of Mas- sachusetts, Virginia, Rhode Island and Connecticut with the recommendations from the Technical Committee. Motion made by Mr. Augustine and seconded by Mr. Adler. Motion approved without opposition. Move to accept the Shad and River

ing plans as required under Amendments 2 and 3: Rhode Island (river herring), Mas- sachusetts (American shad), Connecticut (American shad), and Virginia (American shad). The Massachusetts plan proposed to close all American shad fi sheries with the exception of the Merrimack River and Con- necticut Rivers and lower the recreational bag limit from six fi sh per angler per day to three fi sh per angler per day in those two systems. The Connecticut proposal request- ed the continuation of the commercial and recreational American shad fi sheries in the Connecticut River only. Virginia requested a limited bycatch allowance of American shad from 2013 – 2017. Rhode Island requested a 5% bycatch tolerance for federally permitted

Herring FMP Review and the Technical Committee’s recommendations and ap- prove de minimis requests for shad from Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Motion made by Mr. Augustine and seconded by Mr. Adler. Motion approved without objection.


The Atlantic Striped Bass Board met to

approve the Terms of Reference (TORs) for the Striped Bass Benchmark Stock Assess- ment, discuss a request from Rhode Island, and review state compliance. The Technical Committee presented the

TORs for the upcoming benchmark stock assessment, which were approved by the Board. The assessment is expected to be peer

Continued on Page 22.

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