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COMPLAINT HANDLING Try to avoid any temptation to apologise

for a colleague or on someone else’s behalf, or even worse to have someone else apologise for you. Te danger here is that the complainer may feel that they are simply being fobbed off and end up even unhappier than before. An initial apology can help establish

empathy, which is important in building trust and rapport. Establishing trust is about listening and understanding, while not necessarily agreeing. Resist any temptation to collude with the complainer. Tis may seem like an attractive option in handling a face-to-face encounter, especially if the complainer is angry, but may only be storing up trouble for later.

Some helpful techniques Dealing with a verbal complaint face-to- face can give you little time to think over an appropriate response. First expressing regret can help defuse the situation. Your job now is to try to gain an understanding of how the complainer feels and what it is that they want to achieve. Tere are several recognised techniques which can be employed at this point: Consider your body language. Tis

should be open without appearing too casual. Non-verbal communication is an important aspect of any face-to-face encounter, especially where any conflict exists. Is your body language facilitating discussion or is it acting as a barrier? Demonstrate that you are not only

everyone can be guilty of. “An apology like this, which contains a caveat, is less meaningful and valuable.” In healthcare, there is a plethora of

charters, standards and promises, meaning that patients are better informed about their rights than ever before. Indeed, the GMC produce guidance on what patients should expect from their doctor. Understanding the situation along with the patient’s motivation in raising a complaint is important and, indeed, it may be that you or your team has got something wrong and an apology is deserved. Saying sorry is unlikely to do any harm

by itself, as long as it is delivered in a sincere and appropriate manner. Once you have listened carefully and understood the nature of the complaint, a helpful opening gambit can be to express regret that the patient is dissatisfied, unhappy or upset. It can also help the situation to thank the individual for bringing the matter to your attention, again as long as this is done in a sincere manner.


hearing what they have to say, but that you are also trying to understand their complaint or concern. Tis can be improved in conjunction with positive body language by small nodding movements or vocal encouragement and appropriate use of questioning. Explore further. If you do need to

intervene and explore further to gain better understanding, then consider your question construction:

Clarifying: “So, you are saying that…?” Constructing: “What would you like to happen…?” Disagreeing: “I cannot agree with that, but…?” Confirming: “So, we agree that…?” Interpreting: “So, you are suggesting that…?” Testing: “If we did this then…?”

Tese types of questions can also be

used effectively to sum up what has been discussed with the complainer. It can be

very helpful at this stage to clearly state what you intend to do next and gain an acknowledgement that the complainer understands the process. Manage your anger. In a face-to-face

encounter the complainer may be frustrated or resentful, which is manifested as anger. In such a conflict situation, it may be difficult to alter our own opinions, especially if we are feeling intimidated and stressed ourselves, but we can choose our behaviour. Meeting anger with anger as a strategy can sometimes work, by forcing the other person to “back down”; however, this is a high-risk strategy which would be extremely difficult to justify in any professional context. Try to avoid getting “sucked into” an

argument and taking things personally. Tis is difficult if you feel your own actions or those of the service are being called into disrepute. Try to remain objective. Resist any temptation to raise your

voice in anger to match the aggressor. You can, however, use the tone of your voice to convey a sense of increased concern and try to “match the energy levels” of the complainer. Conversely, remaining overly calm and even-toned in the face of hostility could be interpreted as you being unconcerned and disinterested about their complaint. Consider the setting. If you are dealing

with a complaint face-to-face think about where it is taking place. A reception area will likely involve an “interested audience”, so it may be better to move the discussion to a more private area. However, there are risks associated with this as well. What is your physical position and that of the complainer in the room? Do you both have clear line of sight to an exit route? Sometimes when people are emotional they may feel trapped or cornered and their instinct may be to escape. You do not want to be in a position where they are going to have to “come through you” to achieve this. Likewise, you should also be prepared to leave if you feel that your own personal safety is under threat. Can you get to the exit unhindered? If you become trapped and can’t leave, can you summon assistance? Remember to finish with a final

apology. You will hopefully now have a complainer who doesn’t simply view you as the enemy or a part of the “establishment”, and you will now have sufficient information to move on to the next stage of complaint management – the investigation.

n Alan Frame is a risk adviser at MDDUS 15

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