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InView Have your say There were more than 1,400 responses

to what’s been described as Inverclyde’s biggest budget consultation.

For, ahead of the budget setting, the

Council embarked on an extensive public consultation, where residents were encouraged to examine the detailed budget proposals and put forward their views on the proposals. The council used a range of

engagement techniques, including a new and innovative online budget simulator. The simulator alone, which set out budget savings proposals and gave people the chance to select their preferred options and ‘balance’ the budget by selecting up to £7m of savings, generated over 600 responses. The online budget simulator was set

up which was accessible through the Council’s website and publicised through a variety of mechanisms,

including a special four page InView Budget Special in December. It is no surprise that the responses

show that respondents are more likely to take more savings from efficiencies and services redesign rather than reducing services. There was also five public community

consultation meetings held across Inverclyde, along with specially arranged briefings for businesses and parents councils, all hosted by the Chief Executive. A citizens’ panel budget questionnaire

was also distributed to the one thousand members, with extra copies of the questionnaire made available at the public meetings and in the libraries throughout Inverclyde.

Four focus groups were held; one

each for young people and older people and two groups with a cross section of Inverclyde residents. Residents from every location

across Inverclyde responded to the budget consultation and the information provided has helped the councillors make the difficult decisions for the budget setting for 2016/17, which starts in April 2016. The Council would like to thank you

for taking part in Inverclyde’s budget challenge. You can see copies of the

consultation documents and budget papers at:

budget Consultation Responses

Online Budget 602

questionnaire Focus groups Other Additional areas of investment

£259,000 extra services to

children with additional support needs

£100,000 extra

increase to school clothing grant from £80 to £90 per child for the next four years

£300,000 for town and village centre environmental improvements

Simulator Citizen’s Panel 631 36


Spring 2015


20% increase in the value of Christmas vouchers for older people from £12.50 to £15

£100,000 extra towards bowling

green improvements

£120,000 extra for play areas

Budget special

Increasing the lowest Council apprentice wage to double the national rate

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