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Me See Root Flare

out of the ground. Tere is no evidence of a root flare on many of the landscape trees. It is not a problem just to the Boothbay peninsula or to Maine, it is a widespread problem thoughout the US. Many people who work in the horticulture industry just do not understand the importance of having an exposed root flare. When a tree is planted too deeply, it has to exert energy with producing adventitious roots near the ground surface in order get oxygen near the surface of

the soil or mulch. Also, when the flare is hidden below the ground level, you cannot see any possible defects including j-roots, girdling roots, or stem defects from where a bamboo stake was left too long beside of a young plant. Besides, exposing the root flare before digging a tree at the nursery allows more of the roots to be included in the final root ball. Tere is evidence of our team going around and exposing root flares around the gardens. If you visit Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens this summer, be sure to look at the base of our trees and see if we have uncovered the root flare. If you do not see one, call me over and we’ll uncover it right then and there!



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