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AMEA Governing Baord Minutes... AMEA Governing Board Meeting

January 19, 2011, Montgomery Renaissance Hotel The AMEA Governing Board met at the

Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery, Alabama on January 19, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by AMEA President Steve McLendon. Present at the meeting: Steve McLendon, Garry Taylor, Pat Stegall, Karen Hickok, Carla Gallahan, Chuck Eady, Martha Lockett, Taylor Sparks, Sara Womack, Tim Phillips, Sharon August, Jane Powell, Dakota Bromley, Moya Norlund, John Cooper, and Marcy Wilson.

The minutes of the August 14, 2010 meeting

of the AMEA Governing Board were read by Higher Education President, Tim Phillips. The minutes were approved as read. The AMEA Profit & Loss Statement was

distributed and discussed by Garry Taylor. Chuck Eady (Karen Hickok) motioned to accept the report. Passed. This report is available online at Officer, Representatives, and Division

Reports may be viewed online by visiting our website, Old Business A professional photographer will be at the

AMEA In-Service Conference to record the events. She was provided a schedule of events. Candid photographs of clinics and performances will be taken and each division will be represented. The Higher Education Division will

continue discussion on the peer-reviewed article process at their meeting during the conference. Karen Hickok discussed the registration

process for the 2011 conference and distributed registration packets to division presidents. The by-law proposal change was discussed

and the Governing Board was encouraged to explain the proposal to their divisions during the individual division meetings. The dates for the Alabama Music Educators

Association In-Service Conference will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery, Alabama for the next three years. The dates for these conferences are: January 19-21, 2012; January 10-12, 2013; and January 23-25, 2014. Pat Stegall reported on FAME (Future

Alabama Music Educators) participants for this year’s conference and encouraged the Governing Board to attend the first meeting of FAME for introductions. A brief discussion occurred on individual

division checking accounts and proper procedures for opening and maintaining the accounts. Additional information will be discussed at a future Governing Board meeting. New Business Leadership training for

Governing Board will continue at the June meeting. AMEA Conference expenses have increased

and a discussion was held to consider ideas to offset these rising costs. Chuck Eady (Marcy Wilson) moved to increase the conference registration $5.00 next year. The motion passed. Chuck Eady (Pat Stegall) made a motion to increase the exhibit booth registration from $300.00 to $325.00; the cost for exhibitors reserving 4 or more booth spaces will remain at $300.00 for each space. The motion passed. Sara Womack discussed advocacy and is

interested in moving forward on two fronts – both music education and arts education. She asked for each

ala breve

division to consider members to serve on this committee.

Music Education Week will be held June

24-28, 2011 in Washington, D.C. and the board members were encouraged to consider participating in this event and encourage their division members to participate.

Division Presidents were urged to review

this year’s conference schedule carefully and contact Garry Taylor with any conference needs. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carla Gallahan AMEA Recording Secretary

AMEA Busines Meeting January 21, 2011, Montgomery Renaissance Hotel The Alabama Music Educators Association

met at the Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery, Alabama on January 21, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 9:22 a.m. by AMEA President Steve McLendon. The membership voted to suspend the

reading of the minutes and financial report from the January 19, 2011 AMEA Governing Board meeting. President McLendon welcomed everyone to

the conference and addressed the two proposed changes to the by-laws. Recording Secretary Carla Gallahan read the current by-law and the proposed change in the by-law for each. The membership voted to accept the proposed changes to the AMEA By-laws. President McLendon then introduced

MENC President Scott Shuler, the Keynote Speaker for the 2011 AMEA Conference.

AMEA Governing Board Meeting

January 22, 2011, Montgomery Renaissance Hotel The AMEA Governing Board met at the

Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery, Alabama on January 22, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by AMEA President Steve McLendon. Present at the meeting: Steve McLendon, Garry Taylor, Pat Stegall, Karen Hickok, Carla Gallahan, Chuck Eady, Taylor Sparks, Sara Womack, Tim Phillips, Sharon August, Jane Powell, Dakota Bromley, Moya Norlund, John Cooper, Clay McKinney, Jody Powell, and Beth Davis. President McLendon recognized and

thanked each division for the outstanding conference. Mr. Taylor noted that he will review each of

the conference evaluations and then disperse them to the division presidents for review. Each Division presented conference comments: CMENC - presented a preliminary report on

the AMEA

conference details and noted overall numbers were down. Possible reasons for this decrease may have been due to the increased cost in attendance and the Intercollegiate Band. Higher Education - noted that a schedule

change in the higher education events may improve attendance at events. The Peer-Review Committee is being formed and information will be in the Ala Breve. Alabama Bandmasters Association -

reported that exhibitors were concerned with less traffic through the exhibit area, possibly due to a large number of clinics. A suggestion was made to have a designated exhibit time for each division. The acoustics in the performance hall posed a concern, however the division is learning the stage and will make improvements for next year.

Alabama Vocal Association - expressed 43

interest in choirs having the opportunity to warm-up on stage before concerts. Requested a water station be placed in the room with the Show Choir. Discussed the possibility of using a shell for performances. Elementary/General Division - expressed

many positive comments about the conference. Requested a place to store equipment before the conference begins to facilitate set-up. Suggested the presider information be placed in the AMEA Conference program to recognize their contribution. Alabama Orchestra Association - reported a

great conference and that they were pleased with attendance, performances, and clinics. A discussion occurred on the possibility of having an AOA reading session.

FAME (Future Alabama Music Educators)

- Pat Stegall reported that FAME was fantastic, however attendance was down. Mr. Stegall made suggestions for next year’s conference including a coffee kiosk and fast food availability, providing exhibit time and encouraging everyone to attend the keynote address, and possibly having a “theme” for each conference. Treasurer - Karen Hickok distributed a

report on conference attendance with a division breakdown and noted that conference attendance (750 attendees) was up slightly. She also commented that parking was an issue at the conference and thanked everyone for their help during the conference. President-Elect - Sara Womack suggested

that small group performances between sessions would be a good addition to the conference. This year’s ensembles worked well and this would provide additional

opportunities for performances.

Additionally, Womack reported on an Advocacy Committee meeting to focus on both music and arts concerns. She requested a volunteer from each division to serve on this committee. Executive Director - Garry Taylor checked

with each division president to discuss their room for the conference and additional needs. The decision was made to switch the AVA room and the Elem/General Music room for next year. He also inquired about concerns/comments regarding the hotel staff and the AV staff in the ballrooms. Recording Secretary - Carla Gallahan

thanked the AMEA Board for supporting the Inaugural Alabama Intercollegiate Band and reported that the experience was a tremendous success. President - Steve McLendon discussed the

presentation length and the importance of each event to adhere to the allotted time limit. He also commented that presiders should be well-prepared for their duty. Additionally, a discussion occurred on suggestions to improve educators accountability for clinic attendance. Sessions for joint division representation were also discussed.

Garry Taylor once again thanked everyone

for a great conference. The AMEA Governing Board thanked the Alabama Intercollegiate Band for their work and commented on the outstanding performance. `The next meeting of the AMEA Governing

Board will be held on June 16, 2011, 10:00 a.m., at the Renaissance Hotel. President McLendon adjourned the meeting at 2:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Carla Gallahan AMEA Recording Secretary

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