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equine health
the way of the horse
sell the horses if you can’t feed
or care for them properly
By Eleanor Blazer © 2009
Dear Eleanor,
You can divide the
three meals per day. Of course
Please help me.
turn-out area into two lots. I
this means keeping the horses
I have a 22-year old
would reinforce the dividing
gelding and a yearling mare.
fence with an electric wire.
Regarding the grain
They are not getting extensive
Electric keeps horses “honest”
or concentrate portion of the
Stop by and check them out!
exercise. They are turned out
and off the fence.
meal; find a feed formulated
together in a large area which is
Providing two pas-
for the age of the horse, activity
mostly woods and weeds. They
tures would allow you to feed
level and forage type.
are never in stalls.
a commercial product designed
Read the feed tag!
Both horses get a little
for each horse’s nutrient re-
The product will be labeled
less than 1/2 scoop (square plas-
quirements and you can monitor
for: Performance Horse or Phone: 210-698-7802
tic scoop) of sweet feed twice a
the amount of hay each horse
Formulated for the Mature
day. The yearling is thin, but the Horse at Maintenance Level,
Fax: 210-698-8370
gelding is obese. I give them
You said they were in
or whatever its design.
four flakes of hay twice a day.
a large area. If the area is large
In your current situ-
Store Hours:
How can I take weight
enough, divide it into several
ation you will need two feeds.
Monday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
off the gelding and put weight
smaller lots. This allows you
One must be designed for the
Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm • Sunday: 12 Noon - 4 pm
on the yearling? I can’t afford
to rest several sections and get
young growing horse, which is
to feed more hay or feed.
some grass to grow. Rotate the
eating grass hay. The second
Located at IH-10 and Boerne
I found your web site
lots. Rotating helps manage
must be formulated for the ma-
Stage Road in the HEB Shopping
intestinal worms and aids your
ture, adult horse at maintenance
while searching for help on the
de-worming program.
level, which is eating grass
internet. - Sincerely yours, A
If you can’t divide the
Horse Owner in New York
turn-out area, then it becomes
There are “one size
labor intensive. In order to
fits all” feeds. If you do the
I wish I had a dollar
insure the filly is getting her
math you will probably discov-
for every letter I get similar to
share, she needs to be fed by
er it will be more economical
this plea for help.
herself and given time to eat.
to buy the properly formulated
Over the years I’ve
This means it is up to you to
feed for each horse. (Read the
become more direct in my an-
remove either the gelding or the
feed tag and weigh the feed.)
swers and have quit worrying
filly from the communal pasture
Before buying feed
about hurting someone’s feel-
and wait for her to eat her ration.
you must invest in a scale.
ings, so my initial answer to HO
This poses a problem because
Weighing feed, both forage and
in NY is, “Sell the horses if you
you don’t want to be standing
concentrates, is very important
can’t afford to feed or care for
around for several hours while
when feeding horses. Notice
them properly.”
she eats her allotted hay.
as you read feed tags, nowhere
Then I address all the
Another option is to
does it say, “Feed one scoop to
problems – maybe H.O. just
feed plenty of hay and scatter it
a horse.”
needs guidance.
around the large turn-out area.
The same rule per-
The drawback is restricting
tains to feeding forage. No
Dear Horse Owner in New
the gelding to eating only his
equine nutritionist will recom-
share. The filly will get more
mend: “Feed four flakes a day.”
Thank you for visit-
to eat, but so will the gelding.
Once you calculate two percent
ing my web site and taking the
The horses will be healthier, as
of your horse’s body weight,
time to write on behalf of your
they are designed to eat forage
you’ll know how many pounds
horses. I will try to help.
constantly, but your gelding will
of forage to feed a day. For
Caring for horses
not loose weight.
example: a 1,000-pound horse
properly takes money, time and
Horses should receive
would require 20 pounds of
physical labor.
at least one and one half to two
forage a day. (1,000 times 0.020
I recommend you re-
percent of body weight in for-
equals 20)
view your income and expenses.
age a day. Because your filly is
Hope this helps… and
See if you can make some cuts
growing and thin I would keep
best wishes, Eleanor Blazer
so you can purchase the needed
good quality grass hay in front
Eleanor teaches an
feeds. I can give you advice on
of her at all times. The gelding
online course, Nutrition for
what and how to feed. But if you
needs his amount divided into
Maximum Performance for
can’t afford it, the best thing to
do is to sell the horses.
You have two horses
with very different nutritional
Great pricing on The SS Model Bed in Standard Sizes
The gelding is mature,
not being worked – basically a
$1,550 Carry Out
couch potato. I doubt if he gets
much exercise on his own. I
am willing to bet most of his
$2,000 Installed
exercise comes from protecting
the feed from the yearling.
The yearling is grow-
ing and needs the required daily
nutrients of protein, vitamins
SS Model
and minerals to achieve her
genetic potential. In your note
you are mostly concerned with
calories. If we address her
needs for protein, vitamins,
Dams are own daughters
minerals and long-stem fiber
SK Model
TM Model
of Artful Move, Blazing
(forage), calorie requirements
should fall into place.
Hot, Dynamic Deluxe,
To insure your filly
and Zips Chocolate Chip.
is getting her allotment of feed,
Weanlings, Yearlings, 2-year-olds available by
you must address the issue of
allowing her time to eat. The
gelding must not have the op-
portunity to run her off and
steal her feed. This includes the SS, SK, ER, TM and RD Models in stock!
forage. Tad & TJ Corgill • Pipe Creek, Texas • (210) 373-3880
There are several
ways to achieve this goal.
ER Model RD Model
Bumpers • Grills • Truck Boxes • Brake Controls • Brakes • Jacks
Trailer Rewiring • Lubrication • Gooseneck & Receiver Hitches
Saddle Fitting & Reflocking
Hours: Monday - Thursday 1pm - 6pm • Saturday 10am - 4pm
830-257-3312 or 866-330-8058
Saddle Fittings by appointment. 3120 Memorial Blvd.
REPAIRS: English & Western
Kerrville, Texas
Store Hours
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday: 7:30am - 2Noon Visit us online at
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