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July 2009 MAINE COASTAL NEWS Page 21.
Maritime History:
Wreck of the Schooner
through the aperture with something like the proaching night, encouraged the men to aid
noise of a steam whistle. him in erecting a support on the outside of the
The schooner began to settle again, wreck, and getting some scantling from the
when the captain tore off a portion of his shirt, hole as it floated under the aperture through
and with his hatchet drove it into the hole and which they came out, they began their work.
stopped the rapid escape of air. He then The render will recollect that the
changed the others to work away in other ENIGMA was described as a schooner built
places until the light could be seen through to run in shallow waters, but with a centre-
the thin wood left all around the plank they board dropping below her keel, which made
were intending to remove. This was soon her a tolerable sea-going craft. When she was
accomplished, and they then prepared to capsized, this center-board, made of four-
make their escape to the outside. Two impor- inch plank, fell back into its place in the hold
tant matters were then to be considered – of the schooner, so that there were left places
first, how to break out the plank; second, how at each end of the board about four inches
to secure themselves from being swept off square into which joists or scantlings could
the bottom when they should emerge and be thrust down so as to stand firmly. This
subject themselves to the waves, still at times peculiarity in the construction of the
breaking over them. They had one coil of ENIGMA enabled the captain to erect two
small rope, the only one which did not got out standards, and with his rope, taken out for the
when the hatch came off, and as Providence emergency, he lashed a cross-piece from one
directed, the only one that could have an- to the other and then fastened their ropes
swered the purpose for which it was used. overhead instead of as at first in the vessel.
This they secured, and cutting off a The reader may imagine that this was
piece of sufficient length, they lashed to- quickly and easily done, but never was there
gether several joists and made of them a small a greater error. It was their most difficult work,
battering-ram. Then they fastened lines to as frequently the sea swept over the wreck
something permanent in the hold and the and would have carried them away but for the
other ends of the same to their own bodies, so ropes upon which they held as they saw the
as to hold by them when the seas should go heavy seas coming. They were so much ex-
over the bottom. They also prepared to take hausted when this much was done they were
out with them one end of the remaining coil to obliged to suspend further labor, and holding
use for any purpose found needful. by the rope attached to the cross-piece,
All things being thus made ready, they which rope was also fastened around them, New England Fiberglass Company
all gathered under the proposed opening, they leaned against the uprights and thus
and taking hold of the joists, they drove them spent the night. They could not lie down
against the planks with all the power they without being submerged in the waves that
Yacht Repair/Restorations
possessed. were frequently dashing over the bottom,
The pressure of the atmosphere aided and as it was, sometimes drowsing as they
them, and the blow was successful. The stood there, their feet would be taken from
58 Fore Street, Portland, ME 04101
planks went out, and the captain, who stood under them, and they were only saved by the
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directly under them, was carried through the rope. email:
opening and landed on the flat bottom of the The next morning found those four men
schooner without an effort on his part. This in a most terrible condition. Hunger was mak-
was done by the rush of the compressed air, ing its fiercest demands and their thirst made
which shot him out like an arrow. them almost frantic. One thing not mentioned
Instantly he helped the others to escape, thus far in this story must here receive atten-
for, as was anticipated, so soon as the air tion and that is the fact that the captain had
could rush out the water rose rapidly in the with him on this voyage a favorite dog. He Fireplaces - Automatic Feathering Propellors - 3-Piece Storm Anchors
hold. had passed through the struggle in the cabin
When they finished cutting there was and in the hold of the schooner, and escaping
Full Service Boat Yard
scarcely more than three feet of air remaining, with many hard bruises and almost drowned,
15 Luke's Gulch, East Boothbay, Maine 04544
and in five minutes after they were on the he was there on the outside with his master.
TEL. (207) 633-4971 A. Franklin Luke FAX: (207) 633-3388
outside the schooner settled eighteen The men demanded his blood for drink
inches. This was Thursday, the 25
, and for and his flesh for food. The captain was willing
about 64 hours they had not tasted food or
quenched their thirst.
Continued on Page 22.
During the greater part of
this time they had been stand-
for work and pleasure
ing in salt water from two to
four feet deep – water saltier
than the ocean by addition of
great quantities of salt in the
hold of the vessel, and hun-
dreds of times they were com-
Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679 (207) 244-3795
pletely submerged in that
brine. How they could have
lived so long in such a condi- MAINE COAST LUMBER, INC.
tion in an atmosphere so dense
with no food or water – much
more, how they could have
4 Warren Ave.
achieved such wonders in cut-
17 White Birch Lane
Westbrook, ME 04902
York, ME 03909
ting their way out with a single
(207) 856-6015
(207) 363-7426
small and blunted hatchet, is
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(800) 899-1664
wonderful beyond parallel.
Fax (207) 856-6971
Fax (207) 363-8650
They were greatly ex-
M-F 7:30am-4:00pm
M-F 7am-5pm
Saturday 8am-12pm
hausted, but the fresh air re-
vived them, and they eagerly
swept the horizon to see if any
vessel was in sight to give
them hope of speedy succor,
but they saw nothing save the
wide expanse of rolling waters.
They were disappointed, and
Bath Industrial Sales
for the time disheartened, but
56 New Meadows Rd.
the captain, feeling that every-
West Bath, ME 04530 We Deliver
thing depended on some im-
(207) 442-9754
We Ship UPS
mediate preparation for the ap-
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