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Our curriculum 3
Music Our children are fantastic singers! We have a
assembly (either in the main hall or their classrooms)
choir who regularly perform locally and were recently
which is planned to suit the ages and family backgrounds
invited to sing at the Royal Albert Hall! We have a
of the pupils. We follow the Hertfordshire guidelines for
recorder club and all children through our planned
Collective Worship. A variety of beliefs are represented
curriculum have the opportunity to participate in
at Central Primary School, but the school has no
musical activates designed to develop their enjoyment
particular affiliation to any religious denomination. In
and understanding of music. They are given
accordance with the Education Act of 1993, the majority
opportunities to listen, compose, perform and appraise
of our assemblies reflect the broad traditions of Christian
a wide range of styles of music. We are also able to
belief, but this does not mean that Christian material is
provide the children with specialist instrumental
always used. At Central we believe that coming together
tuition for both the guitar and keyboards. Every year
as a group has an important social and educational value
our instrumentalists have the chance to perform in
in itself and it is hoped that all children will play a full
front of the whole school and when ready are also
part in our collective act of worship. If any parent wishes
entered for grade examinations.
to exercise their right to withdraw their child from
collective worship, this must be done in writing to the
Physical Education We have recently improved
Headteacher and alternative provision will be made.
the grounds to enable more effective teaching of the
PE curriculum. The children engage in a wide range of
activities in the curriculum: gymnastics, dance, football
a mixture of ball games, unihockey and mostly recently
touch rugby! This is supplemented by extra-curricular
opportunities with our girls and boys football teams that
We believe that work at home is an essential
compete regularly against local schools and in our dance
element in a child’s education and we will
club that is very popular. All pupils must have plimsolls
continue to seek parental support with
for outdoor P.E. and games lessons. No jewellery should regard to any homework set. Children
be worn in school for health and safety reasons.
from reception through to Year Six will be
expected to do homework which will vary
Religious Education, Collective Act of
in type and quantity depending on age
Worship and Assemblies Religious Education
and ability. A homework timetable will be
is taught in accordance with the Hertfordshire Agreed
given to parents at our open meetings at
Syllabus. Sometimes RE is integrated into class topics
the beginning of each new academic year.
but usually, particularly in the Juniors, it is taught as a Homework for infants, reception and nursery
separate subject. All the children in school attend a daily
children will rarely involve written work.
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