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the way of the horse
The lower sections
grazers and are not designed to eat nificant changes throughout the
the right feed order
of the stomach are protected
two meals a day. day.
from the acid by a mucous
Water is an excellent The best way to avoid
membrane. The upper sections
buffering agent. Water has a pH ulcers and cecal acidosis is to
By Eleanor Blazer, © 2009
of the stomach are not as well
of around seven (7). feed the horse as naturally as
Do you feed the con-
esophageal section, the cardiac
stomach may have a pH level protected. If the acid reaches
Make sure your horse possible. This means plenty of
centrate or grain portion of your
section, the fundic section, and
of six (6) to seven (7). The the poorly protected upper
has access to plenty of fresh clean long stem forage available most
horse’s meal first, followed by
the pyloric section.
pH level of the fundic section sections lesions or ulcers will
water at all times. Drinking a large of the time. The forage should
the hay? Or do you feed hay
The esophageal is ba-
is approximately five (5). The result.
quantity of water after consuming be able to meet the calorie
sically a storage area and no di-
pH level of the pyloric section Studies have shown
grain or concentrate will not allow needs of most horses. A vita-
Does it matter?
gestive action takes place here.
is approximately two (2), which lesions can occur in less than
the stomach time to break down min/mineral supplement may
Yes, it does.
The cardiac section produces
is highly acidic. 12 hours if acid reaches the
the dense material. The sudden have to be offered if the forage
When to feed the
mucous used to coat the stom-
pH is the unit of upper sections.
influx of water will wash the feed is deficient.
concentrate depends on which
ach and protect it from acidic
measure used to determine acid- There are three ex-
out of the stomach, through the If a concentrate must
disease you want to prevent
secretions. The fundic sec-
ity. The lower the number the cellent natural buffering or
small intestine and into the large be fed to meet calorie, energy,
– gastric ulcers or cecal acido-
tion produces pepsin enzymes,
more acidic the environment: protecting agents against ul-
intestine too soon. Insuring your vitamin and mineral require-
gastric lipase enzymes, and
for example, battery acid is ap- cers available to horses – long-
horse has water available at all ments then it should be offered
Gastric ulcers occur in
hydrochloric acid. The pyloric
proximately one (1). A pH level stem forage, salvia and water.
times will lessen the chance of this in small frequent meals. Feed-
the stomach and are caused by
section produces a small amount
of seven (7) is neutral. Levels Plenty of long-stem
happening. ing two large grain or grain
of enzymes and mucus.
higher than neutral are alkali or forage, in the form of hay or
Cecal acidosis occurs based concentrate meals a day is
There are four sec-
The esophageal and
basic. pasture, provides a barrier
when the pH level of the cecum asking for trouble. Never feed
tions to the equine stomach: the
cardiac sections of the equine
between the upper and lower
becomes highly acidic. more than one-half percent of
stomach sections. A build up
The cecum is part of the an adult horse’s body weight in
event planning
of fibrous material will “float”
large intestine. Within the cecum concentrate or grain mix at one
above the acid and hold it
are microbes that aid in the diges- meal.
staging a big event?
down, while the heavier grain
tion of cellulose, fiber and insoluble Try to purchase one
portion of the meal sinks and
carbohydrates (non-structural carbs of the low-starch feed formulas
By Ingrid Edisen, © 2009
is broken down by the acid.
– NSC’s). A healthy cecum has a on the market. These products
A constant supply of
pH level of 6.6 to 7. are nutritionally balanced and
There’s a whole lotta
Horse-wise the 128- there’s wi-fi on the grounds long stem fiber will maintain If large quantities of are safer than high grain mixes.
big in Texas--including the Tra-
acre facility also puts on Bev- now. There’s also an in-house this natural barrier between the soluble carbohydrates (the most Find a product designed for the
vis County Exposition Center
erly Manroe’s Summer Circuit concessionaire. protected and unprotected sec- common source is grain and grain age, health and activity level of
in Austin.
Hunter-Jumper shows (tenta- Built on the highest tions of the equine stomach. based concentrates) reach the your horse, then feed according
Want to stage an
tively set at July 17-19; July point of the county, the Center Salvia is an excel- cecum, the delicate balance of the to the feeding directions…this
event for 50,000? No problem.
30-Aug. 2; and Aug. 14-16). offers a panoramic view that lent buffering agent. It has microbes is disrupted. The cecum’s means feed by the pound – not
The Expo Center has done that
In 2008 it hosted the Bluebon- spans from Georgetown to San a pH level of about seven acidic level drops, which can lead by the scoop. Make all feed
with its bi-annual Univision
net Horse Rescue Adoption Marcos. It has several (7). Chewing long stem fiber to colic, laminitis and colitis. changes gradually when intro-
events. And then there’s the
event. And the Central Texas buildings which can be rented produces salvia. A horse will One feeding method ducing a new feed.
40,000 attendees who enjoyed
Arabian Horse Club often separately if necessary: the Lu- produce five to ten gallons recommended to avoid cecal aci- Horses should also be
the Republic of Texas motor-
has used it for schooling and edecke Arena comes with 4,100 of salvia a day. The more dosis is to not feed forage for one fed on a fairly strict schedule.
cycle rally last summer. The
formal shows. Robert Barton parking spaces and seating for he chews the more buffering hour before and three hours after Research has shown when the
next rally will be June 11-14th.
of San Antonio also uses the up to 9400 people; the agent he introduces into the the grain portion of the meal. In feeding routine is disrupted,
The Expo Center can parcel
facility for his horse shows. Skyline Club is available up- stomach. other words – you are giving grain digestive problems can occur.
itself down to smaller venues,
And at the end of this year, stairs in the Show Barn and of- In order to get the or a grain based concentrate on an Horses are creatures
too--such as dog shows, ban-
December 4-6, the United fers dinner seating for up to 400 protection long stem fiber empty stomach. The theory is, if of habit. They also have very
quets, etc. There are also car
States Dressage Federation has and two bars; the Show Barn is provides against ulcers, an ad- the grain is not mixed with forage sensitive digestive systems. It is
shows and auctions, monster
contracted the Expo Center for open-air but ten degrees cooler equate amount of forage must it will remain in the small intestine our responsibility to insure they
truck events, doll exhibits,
its annual convention coupled due to its massive roof over its be fed at least an hour before longer, where it must be utilized are fed in the healthiest manner
quinciercas. The facility is
with a symposium by dressage 210,000 square foot space with the grain or concentrate portion and absorbed. possible.
less than ten minutes from the
Olympian Jan Blink, a student a 100’ x 200’ covered arena. of the meal. Tossing in a flake In my opinion this is a
Austin-Bergstrom International
of Kyra Kirkland. And there’s also the Banquet of hay and then feeding grain bad idea. 1. Ulcers are sure to oc- * Earn a Bachelor of
Airport and fifteen minutes
The Expo Center has Hall, which has 20,000 square 10 minutes later is not going cur. 2. Horses are designed to eat Science degree in equine studies
from downtown yet due to its
room for 300 horse stalls and feet of space and can hold 800 to protect the sensitive upper forage – not grain or commercial or certification as a Professional
massive open grounds it has
300 livestock pens. to 1,000 people. stomach. grain based mixes. 3. This feeding Horse Trainer or Riding Instruc-
that feeling of expansiveness
Michael Norton, di- It’s easy to contact If you don’t have method is very time consuming. tor. Start your new career as a
unique to Texas.
rector of the Expo Center, has the Travis County Expo Cen- the time to offer long stem riding instructor, horse trainer,
Originally, the Expo
actively updated and spiffed up ter. You can email Dianna fiber at least an hour before the Feeding concentrates or stable manager. All courses
Center was built to house the
the physical plant. There’s new Floyd, the Events Coordinator concentrate part of the meal, along with a constant source of are online. Start anytime and
annual Star of Texas Fair and
paint everywhere and the edges at make sure your horse has for- fiber creates a mix of digestive sys- work at your own pace. Visit
Rodeo. That hugely popular
are smoother and cleaner. Air or call the main number (512) age available at all times. This tem contents (ingesta or chyme).
event occurs during the last half
conditioning has been added 854-4900. The website is: is the best thing for your horse Less variation of the ingesta’s for information.
of March.
to the Luedecke Arena and anyway, as they are continuous makeup is safer than having sig-
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* Saddles not eligible for coupon discounts.
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