This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.

As destination managers, you’re looking to create the most fantastic experience for your visitors: to inspire them, to teach them, to thrill them, or to move them to rally towards your cause. You’re also trying to provide a great experience so that they’ll support your business by buying tickets, memberships, annual passes, souvenirs, delectable dishes, and premium experiences. That “fantastic experience” secret sauce has plenty of key ingredients: outstanding customer service, clean and comfortable destinations, intelligent pricing, alluring atractions, and at least eight more herbs and spices if you’re Colonel Sanders. What impact does the presence of technology have on your guests’ satisfaction and your botom line?

On a five-point scale (“1” being “very dissatisfied” and “5” being “very satisfied”), we asked destination visitors to rate their level of satisfaction with the specific technologies they experienced at the last destination they visited. What we learned was that as an industry, overall destinations aren’t living up to guests’ expectations. Maybe it’s the overpromising visions of Minority Report. It could be marketing with a litle too much hyperbole. Or maybe we can simply do beter. Whatever the cause might be, it’s time to give your webmaster a raise; because of the ten technological features studied, only websites got an average score above 4. Raking in ratings between 3.9 and 4 were the technologies featured at destination restaurants, on- site ticketing, and when technology is used to create

special effects at atractions. It’s all downhill from there, including making experiences more interactive, being green, customizing guest experiences, speeding up queue lines, mobile websites, and mobile apps.

But does it matter?

As we said, technology is just one ingredient in the mix of creating that fantastic visitor experience. How important is it?

Turns out it’s important.

Nearly two-thirds of all respondents (63%) said that improved technological features or advancements make them more likely to visit an atraction. More than a third (36%) of respondents said that improved technology inspires them to stay longer at your destination, and 36% said that it would make them more likely to talk about your destination with their friends.

Top quality technology drives visitors to come to your destination, stay longer, and to tell others. It’s a major influencer in their satisfaction, and can drive them to become vocal advocates for you. The problem is, as an industry, we’re not yet up to par with what they want. By listening to their concerns and offering premium technological experiences, scores of “very satisfied” are just a few mouse clicks away.



36% 22% Makes me

more likely to Visit

Makes me

more likely to Stay Longer

Makes me

more likely to Spend More Money

20% Makes me

more likely to Bring Other Guests

Makes me more likely to Talk About This

Attraction With My Friends

36% 18% Makes me more likely to

Talk About This Attraction On Social Media

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