Sofia, 13 August 2014
Road Transport Workers’ Section Conference REPORT
The Road Transport Workers’ Section Conference took place on 13 August 2014. Martin Mayer (UK) chaired the meeting.
Report of the Secretariat 1.
A film highlighting key developments and activities in the ITF inland transport sections since the last Congress in 2010, was shown to the meeting. Mac Urata (section secretary, ITF inland transport sections) emphasized three areas of activity where there had been successes in the last four years -‐ promotion of workers’ rights in Iran, organising wins at UPS and DHL in Turkey, and the development of a new ILO/IMO/UNECE code of practice on container safety.
Agenda Item 1: Election of Rapporteur 2.
Martin Mayer was elected rapporteur. 3.
Juan Luis Garcia Revuelta (CC.OO, Spain) and Tim Beaty (International Brotherhood of Teamsters, USA) were elected scrutineer and teller.
Agenda Item 2: Congress Theme Document Agenda Item 3: Four Year Work Programme
4. 5. It was agreed to discuss agenda items 2 and 3 together.
Urata referenced the Congress Theme Document, From global crisis to global justice – transport workers fighting back and informed the meeting of the three priorities for the ITF Road Transport Workers’ Section for 2014-‐2018, namely:
• Organising unorganised workers – including international drivers and precarious workers • Health and safety, including ILO tripartite meeting 2015 • Safe rates
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