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43c/RtConf/Report Women’s Representative Young Workers’ Representative 12. 13. Wilma Clement (BWU, Barbados) was re-­‐elected unanimously

Roy Einar Nilsen (Norsk Transportarbeiderforbund, Norway) was elected unanimously

The Conference agreed the composition of the Road Transport Workers’ Section Steering Committee, attached as Annex 1.

The Conference also agreed in principle to create a new working group on hubs and corridors in the Section. Details would be submitted by Unite, UK for further discussion at the next meeting of the Road Transport Workers’ Section Steering Committee.


Tony Sheldon addressed the Conference as the new chair of the Section. He thanked delegates for their support and confirmed his strong commitment to take the Section forward over the next four years.

Agenda Item 6: ITF Gold Badge presentation 15.


Stephen Cotton (ITF acting general secretary) presented retiring chair Martin Mayer (Unite, UK) with the ITF gold badge and paid tribute to his leadership and commitment over many years.

The meeting also expressed appreciation to Asbjørn Wahl (Fagforbundet, Norway), and Tabudi Ramakgolo (SATAWU, South Africa) who were retiring as vice-­‐chairs of the section after sixteen years and eight years of service respectively.

Agenda Item 7: Any other business 17.

There were no other items for discussion.

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