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From the Campaign Cochairs

This issue of the Campaign newsletter takes a look at international giving through the eyes of our donors and students.

A recent survey of our 2,400 international alumnae revealed that, despite physical distance, loyalty to MHC remains high, with over 90 percent believing that alumnae participation in annual giving is very important to the College. As for their academic experience, 96 percent tell us that they received a high- quality education, and 84 percent acknowledge that they owe a portion of their career success to MHC.

Since its early years, the College has valued an international perspective, both welcoming students from around the world and preparing all students for global citizenship.

Leslie Anne Miller ’73 (left) and Barbara M. Baumann ’77

Today, this commitment is embodied around the campus in myriad departments, programs, and events. This past fall, the McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives hosted Kishore Mahbubani, the Carol Hoffmann Collins Global Scholar-in-Residence and one of the leading public figures in Asia, having served as Singapore’s former ambassador to the UN. The College also recently partnered with the U.S. State Department, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the other Sister Colleges to launch the Women in Public Service Project, designed to increase the participation of women in public service and political leadership in settings around the world.

Thank you, MHC alumnae—all 32,000 across the country and around the world—for your longstanding and consistent support of our very special school.


We invite your comments: Office of Development, Mount Holyoke College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075-1485,

Barbara M. Baumann ’77 Cochair, The Campaign for Mount Holyoke Member, Board of Trustees

Leslie Anne Miller ’73 Cochair, The Campaign for Mount Holyoke Chair Emeritus, Board of Trustees

2 | Fact: More than 200 students study abroad each year, choosing from over 50 countries.

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