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Wildfires What is a wildfire?

A wildfire is any uncontrolled fire in combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or a wilderness area. Tere are three categories of wildfire: surface fire, ground fire and crown fire. A surface fire is the most common type and burns along the floor of a forest, moving slowly and killing or damaging trees. A ground fire is usually started by lightning and burns on or below the forest floor and down to the mineral soil. A crown fire spreads rapidly by wind and moves quickly by spreading across treetops.

As a natural part of the South African ecosystems, wildfires have many positive effects. Tey clear the ground through burning of dead leaves and branches. Te fires remove parts of the overhead forest canopy, allowing sunlight into the lower parts of the forest. Some plant species are dependent on fire to begin their growth process, and many animals find food in newly burned trees. Despite these positive qualities, to decrease the risk of environ- mental losses, wildfires have to be managed properly.

What causes a wildfire?

Wildfires occur naturally during periods of increased tempera- ture and droughts. But the fire hazard is strengthened by human impacts such as forestry and agriculture, especially shiſting cul- tivation. National parks and nature reserves are also affected by wildfires through illegal hunting. Tis is combined with a build-up of fuel loads from both natural and commercial plants, and increasing infestation by invasive plants.

Who is affected by wildfires?

Wildfires mostly affect rural settlements, but to an increasing degree also urban areas, which have developed in fire-prone areas. Te impact of wildfires in natural vegetation on the poor- est groups of the population cannot be overstated. Many in- formal settlements are located in the transition zone between densely settled land and land carrying high fuel loads. If not properly managed such areas pose a high risk of wildfires, which may inflict serious losses on local residents.


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