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the best gifts. the best shopping experience.

Found the perfect gift for your sweetheart? Our simple ordering process makes it easy to buy, personalize and deliver it for a Valentine’s Day she’ll never forget.

Ordering online is easy! Simply search on an item number found in the catalog or use our “catalog quick order” feature.


Have questions? Would you like to place an order? Let our professional associates help you fi nd the perfect gift.

BRO Personalize it

Add a name, monogram, special message or their birthstones to make your gift uniquely their own.

Wrap it in our signature red gift box

We’ll wrap your gift in our signature red box (from $4.95) and tie it with an ivory grosgrain ribbon—making your gift unforgettable.

Add a greeting card

Write a thoughtful message and we’ll deliver it on a card tucked inside a red envelope as part of your gift from $1.99.

Choose your delivery date Order now and choose the date you’d like your gift delivered.

Shop our family of brands: Our Guarantee:

At RedEnvelope we stand behind our high-quality products and excellent service. If you or your recipient are not fully satisfi ed, please let us know and we will exchange, issue a gift card or provide a refund*.

*Monogrammed and personalized gifts are not eligible for exchange or refund unless they are damaged or defective. Flowers are guaranteed for 7 days, plants for 14 days, food products for 30 days and non-perishable products 180 days. We are unable to refund gift box charges.

Story Cards + Gift Packaging:

When you’ve found the perfect gift, it’s natural to want to show it off. Most of our gifts include a story card that tells some of the unique qualities of your gift. You can also add our signature red gift box (from $4.95) for an unforgettable experience.

Order Information:

Orders may be subject to state and local sales taxes, where applicable.

Prices are subject to change. We reserve the right to limit the availability of items inaccurately refl ected in our catalog.

Promotions cannot be combined with other offers. Advertised discounts only apply to product prices and not to accessories, gift cards or certifi cates, shipping + handling, other surcharges, third-party hosted products (e.g. wine) or refunds, replacements or exchanges.

The RedEnvelope mark, logo and the red box with ivory ribbon are service marks of Provide Gifts, Inc. dba RedEnvelope.

Shipping + Handling:

RedEnvelope offers shipping for delivery within the U.S. starting at $9.99 per shipment. Expedited shipping available; see website for details. You may also request your gift to arrive on a date you specify. Inquire by phone or online to learn more. At this time, we are unable to ship to international addresses, P.O. boxes, A.P.O. or F.P.O. addresses, or U.S. territories.

Gifts Marked With:

personalize Indicates gift can be personalized with engraving, embroidery or gemstone selection.

profl owers Gift sent from ProFlowers.

shari’s berries Gift sent from Shari’s Berries.

KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN Product contains small parts and is not intended for children under 14 years. Do not put in nose or mouth. Swallowed magnets can stick to intestines causing serious injury or death. Seek immediate medical attention if magnets are swallowed or inhaled.

CANDLE WARNING Trim wick 1 ⁄4 " before each use.

Place on a nonfl ammable surface. Burn within sight. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Keep away from drafts and fl ammable materials. Never leave a burning candle unattended.

LIGHTER WARNING Keep out of the reach of children. Light lighter away from face and clothing. Ensure fl ame is extinguished after use. Contains gas under pressure. Never expose to heat over 120°F or to prolonged sunshine. Never puncture.

1.877.850.7467 17


enhance your gift


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