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Supporting the College

Trinity Annual Fund was established to facilitate graduates who wish to financially support Trinity. Projects currently being supported by the Fund are Trinity Access Programmes (TAP), Save the Treasures of the Long Room, Sports Scholarships and the General Trinity Fund. If you would like to make a contribution or require more information on the Annual Fund and its projects, visit

Carry a little piece of Trinity in your pocket!

Sign up for a Trinity Affinity Credit Card and for every euro you spend, Bank of Ireland donates a percentage back to College. The money donated, managed by TCD Association and Trust, funds a wide variety of small projects that make a significant contribution to College life such as student welfare, research, sport clubs and societies.

For more information or to get your card see the Affinity Card ad on page opposite.


“Did you want to change the world as a student?"

Recently Trinity asked this very question to our alumni and we were struck by the response and tales of active citizenship. Trinity as a university continues to play an important role in this space by informing the debate and stimulating new ideas.

We’d like to hear from you if you’re keen to get involved in a Trinity voluntary initiative. Tell us about your participation when in College, find out what’s happening in Trinity or perhaps attend an event.

For more information, please contact

+353 1 896 1379

We look forward to hearing from you.

Climbing the Careers ladder?

Willing to share your experience?

Tell us about your career -
the online graduate story form is a quick and easy way to help the students of today and tomorrow make informed career choices.

Talk to a student about your career -
a careers alumni database is available to students to contact volunteers about their chosen career path for tips and advice. Careers evenings are also organised by departments in College where volunteers speak informally about their career choices to students.

Mentor a student

Develop your skills as a mentor and give something back to the College by spending time with a student to help with their career choices. The Department of Germanic Studies currently has a full mentoring programme in place.

To get involved, visit
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