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1°30'0"E UTM31N Latitude

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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


391828 5762234 393912 5763437 403659 5769188 409755 5772509 418538 5777216 423716 5779471 428314 5779502 434211 5782068 443132 5784464 444383 5784301 449194 5786442 458011 5787078 460785 5778431 444755 5781984 437857 5780373 428924 5776770 429097 5777523 425313 5776489 423463 5776518 414448 5770704 404729 5767138 403193 5765910 400806 5763174 399798 5759632 396842 5757360 393112 5757916 391702 5762136

455700 5794308 463201 5796711 467865 5804480 470756 5801711 470712 5794982 469153 5774573

G 466929 5770000 H

463488 5770000 i ii

iii iv v

vi vii

viii ix x


456012 5793659 465102 5797401 470631 5797820 470641 5799324 464575 5798806 467886 5804321 470656 5801669 470612 5794986 469055 5774600 466866 5770100 463561 5770100

52° 0' 0.777" 52° 0' 41.137" 52° 3' 53.611" 52° 5' 44.773" 52° 8' 21.995" 52° 9' 37.650" 52° 9' 40.842" 52° 11' 6.526" 52° 12' 27.654" 52° 12' 22.845" 52° 13' 33.795" 52° 13' 57.058" 52° 9' 17.925" 52° 11' 7.988" 52° 10' 13.221" 52° 8' 12.739" 52° 8' 37.192" 52° 8' 1.912" 52° 8' 1.935" 52° 4' 49.045" 52° 2' 47.963" 52° 2' 7.247" 52° 0' 37.213" 51° 58' 41.939" 51° 57' 26.482" 51° 57' 41.943" 51° 59' 57.517"

52° 17' 50.395" 52° 19' 10.175" 52° 23' 22.654" 52° 21' 53.636" 52° 18' 15.833" 52° 7' 14.982" 52° 4' 46.512" 52° 4' 45.732"

52° 17' 29.501" 52° 19' 32.953" 52° 19' 47.657" 52° 20' 36.356" 52° 20' 18.296" 52° 23' 17.520" 52° 21' 52.244" 52° 18' 15.948" 52° 7' 15.824" 52° 4' 49.734" 52° 4' 48.985"

51° 59.983' 52° 0.656' 52° 3.864' 52° 5.717' 52° 8.367' 52° 9.627' 52° 9.681' 52° 11.109' 52° 12.461' 52° 12.381' 52° 13.563' 52° 13.951' 52° 9.299' 52° 11.133' 52° 10.220' 52° 8.212' 52° 8.620' 52° 8.032' 52° 8.032' 52° 4.817' 52° 2.770' 52° 2.091' 52° 0.590' 51° 58.669' 51° 57.411' 51° 57.669' 51° 59.929'

52° 17.840' 52° 19.170' 52° 23.378' 52° 21.894' 52° 18.264' 52° 7.250' 52° 4.775' 52° 4.762'

52° 17.492' 52° 19.549' 52° 19.794' 52° 20.606' 52° 20.305' 52° 23.292' 52° 21.871' 52° 18.266' 52° 20.606' 52° 4.829' 52° 4.816'

Offshore Cable Corridor 52.00022 52.01143 52.06489 52.09577 52.13944 52.16046 52.16135 52.18515 52.20768 52.20635 52.22605 52.23252 52.15498 52.18555 52.17034 52.13687 52.14366 52.13386 52.13387 52.08029 52.04666 52.03535 52.01034 51.97832 51.95736 51.96165 51.99931

1° 25' 27.320" 1° 27' 15.227" 1° 35' 40.499" 1° 40' 57.350" 1° 48' 34.767" 1° 53' 5.293" 1° 57' 7.198" 2° 2' 15.690" 2° 10' 3.953" 2° 11' 9.965" 2° 15' 22.225" 2° 23' 6.622" 2° 25' 36.436" 2° 11' 30.888" 2° 5' 28.775" 1° 57' 41.369" 1° 57' 49.886" 1° 54' 31.662" 1° 52' 54.350" 1° 45' 5.590" 1° 36' 38.722" 1° 35' 19.374" 1° 33' 17.008" 1° 32' 27.850" 1° 29' 55.449" 1° 26' 39.492" 1° 25' 20.806"

2° 21' 1.372" 2° 27' 36.407" 2° 31' 40.044" 2° 34' 13.872" 2° 34' 13.645" 2° 32' 58.021" 2° 31' 2.669" 2° 28' 1.913"

2° 21' 18.183" 2° 29' 16.557" 2° 34' 8.460" 2° 34' 8.509" 2° 28' 48.188" 2° 31' 41.224" 2° 34' 8.586" 2° 34' 8.368" 2° 32' 52.848" 2° 30' 59.349" 2° 28' 5.706"

WGS84 Longitude

Node ID Easting Northing Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Degrees Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Degrees 1

1° 25.455' 1° 27.254' 1° 35.675' 1° 40.956' 1° 48.579' 1° 53.088' 1° 57.120' 2° 2.262' 2° 10.066' 2° 11.166' 2° 15.370' 2° 23.110' 2° 25.607' 2° 11.515' 2° 5.480' 1° 57.689' 1° 57.831' 1° 54.528' 1° 52.906' 1° 45.093' 1° 36.645' 1° 35.323' 1° 33.283' 1° 32.464' 1° 29.924' 1° 26.658' 1° 25.347'

East Anglia ONE windfarm site 52.29733 52.31949 52.38963 52.36490 52.30440 52.12083 52.07959 52.07937

Area of restricted build 52.29153 52.32582 52.32991 52.34343 52.33842 52.38820 52.36451 52.30443 52.12106 52.08048 52.08027

2° 21.023' 2° 27.607' 2° 31.667' 2° 34.231' 2° 34.227' 2° 32.967' 2° 31.044' 2° 28.032'

2° 21.303' 2° 29.276' 2° 34.141' 2° 34.142' 2° 28.803' 2° 31.687' 2° 34.143' 2° 34.139' 2° 32.881' 2° 30.989' 2° 28.095'

1.42426 1.45423 1.59458 1.68260 1.80966 1.88480 1.95200 2.03769 2.16777 2.18610 2.25617 2.38517 2.42679 2.19191 2.09133 1.96149 1.96386 1.90880 1.88176 1.75155 1.61076 1.58872 1.55472 1.54107 1.49874 1.44430 1.42245

2.35038 2.46011 2.52779 2.57052 2.57046 2.54945 2.51741 2.46720

2.35505 2.48793 2.56902 2.56903 2.48005 2.52812 2.56905 2.56899 2.54801 2.51649 2.46825

Due to the complexity of the shape only key coordinates are displayed in this table. Do not recreate vector data (GIS/CAD) from coordinates in this table; if vector data is required, please contact a member of the EAOW GIS team.

! (8 ! ( 15 ! (6 ! (7 ! ( 13 ! (5 ! ( 19 ! ( 18 ! ( 17 ! ( 16 ! ( C






2°30'0"E F ! ( vi ! vii (D ! (

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Datum: WGS84 Projection: UTM31N

Legend Order limits

! !

Project Title

( Order limits node Restricted build area

APFP ref: Doc ref Date

( Restricted build area node 1°30'0"E


B Rev

26/11/13 15/10/13

16/07/13 Date

Ref: BDNP_EA1_Red_v24_130912rs, BDFP_EA1_SiBdry_v06_100914rs, BDNP_EA1_WkPlan_v26_130909rs, BDNP_EA1_WkPlan_v26_Pt ("Display" = 1)



Revised coordinates Point versions updated

Second issue Comment

1°40'0"E 1°50'0"E

Original A0 Plot Scale


© British Crown and SeaZone Solutions Limited. All rights reserved. Products Licence No. 082010.001 © Crown copyright, All rights reserved. 2013 Licence number 0100031673 © East Anglia Offshore Wind Limited 2013

2°0'0"E 2°10'0"E 2°20'0"E Author Revision 2°30'0"E 0 1 2 km 0 1 2 nm

East Anglia Offshore Wind Order limits boundary coordinates: sheet 1 of 2

Drg No 6115-532-PA-047

Date Rev


26/11/2013 D


East Anglia ONE Offshore Windfarm

Order limits boundary coordinates: Sheet 1 of 2 5(2)(i) 2.3

November 2013

East Anglia ONE Ltd D







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