This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.

Volume 7 - Issue 17 MESSAGE FROM THE HEADTEACHER Dear Parents

The last two weeks are a tremendous example of the varied and engaging range of extra-curricular programmes that are available for our students at JFS. Early last week students in Year 9 participated in our annual Industry Day – an opportunity to explore a range of different career options and start to think about the impact of subject choices for the future. Our childcare students welcomed a room full of babies and toddlers so that they could put their skills into action whilst also observing different stages of child development. We marked National Sports Week with a variety of Paralympic sports, our Sports Awards winners enjoyed their reward trips and our gifted Mathematicians participated in Master Classes.

These examples of the extra-curricular provisions at the School are possible thanks to dedicated staff and committed students. However,

these experiences we simply would not

be able to offer students these formative, enriching programmes. We benefited from outstanding acts of philanthropy from our community in the building of JFS Kenton in 2002. This produced a legacy that had underwritten our extra-curricular programming for the last 14 years. As we look ahead to the next 14 years we now need to ensure we are suitably funded. It is in this vein that we are launching a new fundraising campaign and we hope that our current parents will be a major part of the plans.

In future editions of the JFS Newsletter we will be sharing our fundraising plans and inviting you to participate. We thank you in advance for your participation.

without the ability to fund Executive Headteacher

Yours sincerely Debby Lipkin

Simon Appleman Headteacher

Sivan 5776 - End of June 2016

Inside this Issue:

Mock Brexit Vote JFS students vote on the UK Brexit.

Page 2

National School Sports Week Students participated in a wide array of sports activities.

Page 4

Sampling Different Industries Students have a taste of different industries on offer.

Page 6-7

JFS students recognised for their volunteering work at the Yoni Jesner Awards Ceremony.








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